- Quickdraw McLaw
- Today the Supreme Court of Nevada is holding a special session to host an inaugural robing ceremony for the three judges on the Court of Appeals.
- Perhaps the more important ceremony being held today is for the groundbreaking of the Ikea store set to open next year! [Fox5Vegas]
- Threatening to blow up judges can get you prison time. [Las Vegas Sun]
How many speeding tickets did it require to finance this pomp and circumstance wasteful event and the goodies to go along with it for dinner for the sycophants in attendance
someone needs to attend and see if they disclose the "sponsors."
I believe the event is historic and deserves this ceremony.
You are correct, the presence of an Ikea in Las Vegas is historic and demands a celebration. Meatballs for everyone!
Pagan pageantry. Political puffery. The arrogant veneers wafting so thick we choke. "Take my picture, post my picture, hang my portrait and throw me another paid party." I would puke but I already did that after I saw the Supremes' 300,000 per year annual comp packages …. thanks to taxpayers speeding to get to their pathetic meaningless servitudes for pennies
3:03- I choked up a little when I read that and felt ashamed for initially supporting this blatant hucksterism.
Hucksterism that is a good word.
The new judges paid for the reception I believe.
The appeals judges just reversed and remanded one of my appeals 🙂
The proposed law from the Constitutional Law expert Wolfson being badly spun as a victim's rights law should be called "The lets make DA's jobs even easier Reform Act". Just have anyone read police reports out loud. Good enough. Scary. Grand Jury all cases instead of this bad comedy.
Gary Gray killed in car accident. Horrible. Thoughts and prayers out to Chris G and family.
Gary's retirement opened up the vacuum filled by bully and incompetent Dave Thomas. Professional and classy vs. "tacky blind dog finds bone cause he's only game in town." Very sad
Did you know one of the cases in front of the new court of appeals has to do with attorneys intentionally lying to the court and refusing to produce compelled discovery then hiding behind litigation privilege should be interesting to see what the court of appeals says. what a dilemma do you think the court of appeals is going to issue a decision that attorneys can lie or do you think the court of appeals is going to say attorneys can not lie and fabricate evidence. The Supreme Court passed this one down to the Court of Appeals think we all know why The Court of Appeals may be avoiding answering this case seems like the case is in limbo since being passed down other cases moving forward. This is an issue that is important to the legal profession hope the result is a published opinion.
7:42 -not a big fan of punctuation I guess?
Punctuation or not exciting
punctuation or not, which case is it, so we all can follow along?
Please, don't feed the trolls.
@7:42 sort of has a RainMan/Jacob Hafter quality about it so I find it entertaining with little or no weight/credibility Don't throw the troll accusation too quickly. We might lose out on some serious entertainment value, especially on a Friday.
Embrace free speech, even with lousy punctuation, don't chill it.
I almost miss HawkEye, not quite.
So a politically connected man nearly kills another man in a head on MVA. The politically connected guy gets helicopter service for medical treatment. The other joe schmoe gets driven into UMC, which was not the closest hospital either. The political guy gets an outpouring of press and commendations from hundreds, including other self promoting politicians, yet they don't even bother to mention Joe schmoe's name, occupation or home community. Very sad.
I agree. Also, what caused the car to drift? Initial reports said some kind of medical episode then that was removed. Was he texting or reading email?