- Quickdraw McLaw
- RIP W. Owen Nitz.
- The Nevada Legislature is officially back in session this week. Their not off to their fastest start ever, but it looks like there is a lot in motion. Any exciting developments you’re following? [TNI]
- Federal prosecutors filed their opening brief to appeal dismissal of Cliven Bundy’s case. [RJ]
- Family Court has made some changes to expedite handling of Temporary Protective Orders. Good idea? [LasVegasNow]
- Mo Hernandez writes in with a heads up about bar dues and CLE fee deadlines:
FYI, I had previously planned on paying my Nevada Bar dues at the end of the
month just prior to the March 1, 2019 deadline BUT I have now changed
my mind and will instead pay dues today, including the CLE Board fees. For
those not paying attention, inanely there are two different deadlines to
consider. Our bar dues aren’t late unless they are paid after March 1st. But if
you pay the annual CLE Board fee late, i.e., after February 15th, there’s a
$250 late charge on top of the $40! The late fee was increased from $100 to
$250. See quote from the approved court administrative order and link below.
“The annual fee must
be paid on or before February 15th of the calendar year for which the payment
is required to be made.”https://www.nvcleboard.org/ “In the event that an
attorney subject to the requirements of Rule 210 fails to meet the [March 1] February
15 deadline for paying the annual fee and/or [submitting the annual
compliance report,] completion of required educational credits, the
board shall assess a late fee of $_2_5_0 The late fee is separate from and in
addition to the annual fee and any other fees owed. The late fee shall be
assessed in a notice of noncompliance, which shall be mailed by the board via
first-class mail to the attorney’s last known address on or about [April
11 March 1.” https://www.nvcleboard.org/pdfs/1_1_17_Supreme_Court_ Rule_Changes.pdf
For those of you who have been waiting for your day to put the shoe on the other foot and light your torches and sharpen your pitchforks, your day has come.
Meet Your New Bar Counsel: What to Expect from Attorney Discipline
A CLE seminar for Nevada lawyers
RSVP to the Clark County Bar Association by March 6, 2019*
• When: Thursday, March 7, 2019 (1:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.)
I have met Dan Hooge. He is a nice enough guy. However he needs to know that the actions of his office have not gone unchecked.
They haven't? Who checked the bar counsel office? What was the outcome? All I've seen are complaints and a mass exodus of in-house lawyers there.
I think the original poster was referring to the fact that there is dissent in the Hinterlands but that OBC needs to face that dissent.
Interesting that the CLE Board would publish this on its website "The goal is to ultimately eliminate the $40.00 annual fee currently in place. In addition, the Nevada Board of CLE is transitioning to electronic, paperless communication, with a user friendly website already in place."
So the goal was to eliminate the annual fees but in the interim we are going to jack up the fees? These are bureaucrats at their finest.
To Mo's Comment:
I called Nevada CLE Board this morning. They (OK Shannon up there) said that the "February 15th" deadline is an anachronism and that the unified date is still March 1. I am not saying to trust me (because I am an anonymous person on the Internet). However if you are not going to make the 2/15 deadline, check with the CLE Board and verify what they told me.
The Nevada Supreme Court amended SCR 210 effective February 1. The changes include moving the payment deadline to March 1 from February 15 so as to coincide with our payment deadline for bar dues.
Wait, so there is an additional $40 cle fee on top of the $40 fee added to our bar dues? That can't be right, is it?
The $40 CLE fee is now collected with Bar dues and then the Bar remits it to the CLE Board. At least that's the way it was explained to me.
There's some confusion here. I got an SBN email dated February 6th stating: ***If you are an active member and would like to pay only the $40 CLE at this time, contact the bar at 702-382-2200 to make payment over the phone. Keep in mind that the late fee charged by the CLE Board is $250.***
Doesn't sound to me like the deadlines have been unified.If they have, the officious drones at the bar need to be told before the CLE Board starts assessing $250 late fees after February 15.
Please someone (else) put in for Departments 6 and 9.
I know of at least 2 other attorneys filing their applications today. But why do you want someone else to put in? There are 5 good candidates?
https://nvcourts.gov/AOC/Committees_and_Commissions/Judicial_Selection/Applicants/ is the list of who has applied so far.
I'm curious… let's say I know an applicant and have some thoughts on whether he/she would be a good judge. Is there any way for me to volunteer that information to the selection committee?
From the same website linked above, "The Commission on Judicial Selection invites written comments from the public about the qualifications of the applicants during the process. Because the process is open, the public also has the opportunity to address the Commission in person before interviews begin and before votes are cast."
OMG! Did you read the materials the dentists submitted to Judicial Selection last time?
So any comments are made public? where do you find the public comments?
Oh, PLEASE not Bailus … the people spoke, and they did not want him as a judge. For the love of all that is holy, please do not appoint him.
Seeing that letter his campaign manager wrote gave me all the information I needed to know about him.
What a mistake that was.
Looks like Chad Dennie was suspended. He is the most despicable plaintiff's attorney I have ever had the pleasure to deal with.
Describe. What was so bad?
Thanks, 11:43. I agree that the SBN e-mail should have been clearer and clarified that the two deadlines are now March 1. I will follow-up with the SBN to remind them of the date unification.
On completely different topics: the SBN Board of Governors recently submitted two petitions to the Nevada Supreme Court concerning modifications to the limited practice rules under SCR 49-72 (ADKT 0538) and the lawyer wellness programs under SCR 106.5 (ADKT 0540). The Court has scheduled public hearings on both petitions for March 5. I encourage readers to review both petitions and submit any written comments to the Court by the applicable deadlines.
Finally, the Board of Governors submitted a third Petition to the Nevada Supreme Court to modify SCR 81 regarding BOG terms of office (ADKT 0519). The Court granted the Petition without setting a public hearing. This was a surprise to several members of the BOG, including me. Speaking solely for myself, I agree with Justice Pickering's concurrence that the Court should have set a public hearing to receive everyone's comments before changing the Rule. Personally, I hope the Court does so next time.
I got the same email and it didn't say anything about two different deadlines. Perhaps you're reading into or assuming things? The bar is offering to let you pay the $40 separately, which I did, if you do not want to pay the $490 at this time. A good idea IMHO.