- Quickdraw McLaw
It’s a historic day with the Obergefell opinion from the Supreme Court. You can read the opinion and multiple dissents here.
In local news, the Nevada Supreme Court issued several opinions yesterday. Anyone have thoughts on those?
Here is the link that one of our commenters graciously shared to the Motion for Writ of Attachment regarding Gordon Silver.
A reader suggests that we should ask what is going on at Hutchison & Steffen? Anyone know?
I am ok with same sex marriage but the line must stop there. We don't need the ability to legally marry 3 wives or for people to be able to marry their dog or something.
Too late. Dignity. Synergy. Polygamy. QED.
What about cyborgs? Can a human marry a sexy cyborg?
Like #6 from Battlestar Gallatica? Hell yes you could! All of those cylons were hot!
The gig is up. You can "marry" whatever you want. I have my eye on that Mercedes Benz in the parking lot. Who are you to deny me my love?
I don't see the legal argument for marrying tangible objects. But polygamy has to be legal. We and the federal government probably owe apologies for condemning the polygamists, to the extent that they married women of a consenting age. Maybe the Mormons will seek reparations.
Based on the decision, you can basically marry anything under the new definition of liberty. the weirdest part of the decision to me was that the majority called all religious people bigots throughout the entire decision but you can keep your religion…for now. Senility really should be a reason to take some people off the bench.
Also, anyone know why Ginsburg and Kagan didn't recuse themselves (besides they really wanted to vote for this)? They both performed same sex weddings while these cases were pending. I think everyone knew they had their mind made up well before they heard this case.
After reading some of the responses here to the "SCOTUScare" decision yesterday, many of these comments have restored my faith in local counsel.
@ 8:18 I see no legal differentiation between same-sex marriage and polygamy. I see an easy distinction regarding the ability to marry an animal (or a stuffed animal…anyone else excited to see Ted 2?).
Dignity. Companionship. Reasoned Judgment. New understanding of Liberty. Bestiality. QED. Gee, Kennedy has made constitutional law easy! Thanks, Tony!
Eglet is a genius. In his last Actos trial he lost on liability. This time, let's just take liability out of issue and talk about damages and punitive damages. You gotta hand it to the guy. Dies anyone know what Weise's ruling was on this Eglet's motion?
If I were on the defense, I'd hate to be in front of Weise in that case.
I love Eglet. He is the real deal. All you pussies out there need to pull your face from the pillow and take a look at what a real Man is like.
Can I place my order for eggs at the counter?
Wow! Over Nine Million Dollars in accounts receivable! I might be able to retire on that….
Is this Gordon and Silver? If you knew the creditor you owed money to was out of business and heading to bankruptcy, would you pay the bill? Good luck with the AR collection.
A cool 4 mill of that was outstanding for more than 360 days.
Sounds like a key to why the firm parted ways…nice work upper management! Are the same idiots now in charge at new firm?
Garman Turner Gordon has a website up at http://www.gtg.legal. It doesn't do anything yet. It's interesting that it says they are an LLP. But if you look at them up at the Nevada SOS website, they haven't filed as such in Nevada.
I guess the 13 attorneys are used having a separate employee take care of these little details??? Oops. Ruh roh!
Not that I really care but it appears to have been filed as GTG LLP.
Is that allowed? How can you file using only your initials? That's a new form of confidentiality.
They then filed an FFN with Clark County for Garman Tuner Gordon LLP.
My gut tells me GTG will be falling to pieces by this time next year. A shame because there is some talent at that place. This is a great time for cash flowing firms to grab talent, and it will soon be an even better time as the debt laden firms continue to implode.
Yeah, talent running up bills and not paying your debts. I give them 6 mos. Let's see if a bank is dumb enough to lend them money? Bank of America, they are seeking a loan.
Look how spectacular their non-working website is: http://www.gtg.legal/. And it's only been six or seven weeks.
The thirteen of them should have brought along someone from their IT department.
Friday humor helps.
I bet divorce attorneys in Nevada are loving this same sex marriage ruling. More clients! More billable hours! More divorces!
While everyone is up in arms about the "equality" in marriage decision (btw, another great dissent by Scalia), SCOTUS really screwed the pooch with this terrible
decision. I need to consider getting in on this gravy train to make enough money to blow town before the long term effects of the decision succeed in gutting what's left of safe housing in the United Socialist States of America. I hear there's some cheap land in Ukraine.
Please leave as soon as you can
I like you!
Excellent trolling!
While I am really glad that the same sex marriage came down as it did, I have to give it to Scalia.
He is completely out to lunch and appears to be living in about 1950, but the guy can write the hell out of a dissent. Yesterday: "Pure applesauce" Today: "Ask the nearest hippie". Hilarious!
The tone of his writing is like a cross between Grandpa Simpson and William F. Buckley.
Grandpa Simpson:
"Dear Mr. President,
There are entirely too many states.
Please eliminate three.
Abe Simpson.
P.S. I am not a crackpot!"
I find it interesting that people are celebrating this decision that benefits 1% of the population but hate other groups of 1%ers. They must not belong to the right club.
Eh, it's not hard to meet some gay people and think "it doesn't bother me if they get married and it seems like it means a lot to them." Especially if you have even one gay friend, it becomes easy to empathize. I don't think it's a matter of what club you're in or how you feel about rich people.
Scalia's dissent cogently argues against willy nilly legislative short circuiting via judicial fiat. Rather than engage in the long and difficult process of winning democratically, the gay marriage advocates simply went to their left liberal elite buddies at SCOTUS and got what they wanted. The blowback will be real and will last a long time. This decision coupled with the healhcare decision pretty much ends rule of law and replaces it with the Rule of 9 — and that means that future judicial elections and nominations will be even more political, dirty, etc. More Kagans and fewer Scalias. (Contrast the pot advocates slowly and steadily changing public opinion and taking states down one by one. When pot becomes fully legal, and it will, no one will be able to say they didn't do it democratically.)
But who cares, right? I mean, Obama just keeps issuing secret Presidential Orders and signing secret Treaties, while his boys at NSA keep monitoring our every call and email, so why bother belly aching over this? Pass the champagne.
Another view argues Thomas had the best dissent. Sometimes I miss law school.
Re: 2:24 PM-
Yes. It's the end of the Republic. What shall we do? *yawn*
Is "Fox & Friends" on now?
Like clockwork, out come the Fox News crowd, all apoplectic and bleating about judicial fiat whenever they don't like the decision. Great work somehow managing to mix Obama's executive orders into a discussion about a Supreme Court decision. The "blowback"?? Hahahaha!
Are people going to be waving the Southern confederate flag and the rainbow gay flag now? When is the parade? I like parades!!!!
I heard they were downsizing at Hutchison.
Lawyers or staff? I never had a pleasant experience going against them, but the main culprit is gone. And I ultimately won every time, so it wasn't too unpleasant.
They are obnoxious.
Who left?
I was told it was both attorneys and staff who got laid off. Apparently, it was a combination of the City Center litigation concluding and them pumping a lot of time and money into a PI case that they ended up losing.
name names?
I'd rather you didn't. Being let go because their employer couldn't appropriately determine its long-term needs has got to suck enough. No reason to shove them into the public eye.
Don't dabble in PI or any practice area for that matter. For PI, refer the case and take 25% or whatever and call it a day. Client wins and you make way more money.
Feel sorry for support staff
Just… generally?
KNCH lost 2 LV partners?
Lay offs?
Who is KNCH?
Koeller Nebeker Carlson & Haluck. They can't be losing people. I heard they just opened a new office…
KNCH equals Megan Dorsey
There is nothing wrong with these people who lost their jobs through no fault of their own. I hope they find jobs soon. Reflects poorly on Hutch.
The guys wife is named "drizzle" and one attorney has 2 different names and email addresses. Weird
It's weird she's on the website, since she's not a lawyer.
Amazing website. A textbook example of what not to do.
I had a recruiter call me and ask me if I wanted to partner with Gibson. I asked if it was Right Haven tool. After the recruiter confirmed, I politely declined.
Dafuq is a "Lead Paralegal?"
Wow. They hired identical twins!
Douche central
I can't imagine what the modern legal rationalization is for the state to legislate marriage in any capacity whatsoever.
Read the Obergefell opinion… the Majority explains the rationale.
God Bless America
The Constitution is finally living up to its promises of equality for all!