- Quickdraw McLaw
- Las Vegas City Attorney Brad Jerbic says what John Curtas does on his own time as a blogger is not the City’s concern. [KTNV]
- Death sentence for Thomas Randolph. [RJ]
Presidents Day Weekend 2025
This is the dangerous idea that threatens America. When we…
Not Like Us
At this point I think he's appeared more on TV…
Dry Streak Ends
I would break into Tiffany's at midnight. Do I go…
Job Tips: Using AI
I am the person who posted the AI summary yesterday.…
Job Tips: Using AI
https://newrepublic.com/post/191313/donald-trump-ally-supreme-court-overturn-press-protection Steve Wynn is a massive piece of shit.
The city attorney's office is a shithole jobs program. Small minds thinking they have big authority.
That would be true if John was not constantly posting during what are presumably City work hours (look at the dates and times of the posts).
EXACTLY my thoughts. An audit of his workstation is in order.
EXACTLY the reason why I will never work for a corporate or institutional employer. I've got your audit right here…
I started to watch the interview Curtas did with KTNV and have come to realize that certain people are just idiots. He certainly could have complained about how she was dressed at the particular restaurant with better manners. I just do not understand what he hoped to accomplished by posting her picture and his comments he posted on the internet. This story needs to die and we need to ignore this fool.
Like it or not, Curtas is a mini-Trump. Not worth the time or attention.
I have to wonder if KTNV's hit piece on Curtas has anything to do with this post.
I also think the hit piece is grossly unfair to Curtas. Yes, Curtas was a body shaming jerk. There's no defending his post. But what on earth does that have to do with his job? And KTNV's feigned outrage over taxpayer dollars going to a controversial food critic is a bit misleading.
It is an idiotic hit piece, probably brought about by his frequent criticism of Darcy Spears and her "Dirty Dining" sensationalized drivel. If you want to talk about racism/cultural bias, whatever, go after her not Curtas.
Thank you, Mark Bourassa.
God as detestable as I find John, Channel 13 is literally hacks at their worst, with Darcy Spears as the Chief Hack. Like last week when Channel 13 went after the Asian family at Craig and Rancho for drying fish outside of the restaurant, only to find out that the family doesn't serve fish.
Racism and cultural bias for reporting Dirty Dining? The lengths some people go to create racism where none exists. Will it ever stop?
Darcy Spears ambushes establishments who cannot fight back. The smaller cultural establishments do happen to be in the Asian (read: around the corner from Channel 13) and Hispanic communities. Whether you call it racist or just Gotcha sensationalism, she is a detestable human being who cannot step in front of a bus fast enough for some of us.
Two assholes and a wine glass….
I don't know John Curtas, clearly he has hurt some of your feelings, but some of you need to get over it. It's not like he (allegedly) assaulted his niece. Let's get some perspective.
John Curtas is an excellent attorney, and he is almost certainly one of the top food critics in Nevada. KTNV's piece is mystifying non-news and people have to get over being so overly sensitive.
Get back to work, John.
Making anti-woman and anti-American statements. How dare you be offended by that.
Being a pompous prick. No it was not worthy of a Channel 13 hit piece but it was worthy of some people kicking your ass John.
So the Alverson Building was on the market, advertised as having a long-term tenant without any takers and it portended financial troubles. That "long-term tenant" bailed. Olson Cannon Building is now on the market (and has been for while) advertising a long-term tenant. Same spiel? Same circumstances?
I know this was discussed earlier, but do you need attorney access to get to the court minutes? Also, does it take you awhile to receive the link from the clerk's office?
Alex(is) Plunkett indicted
Even if they convict her, she shouldn't go to jail. She is too gorgeous to be punished.
Gorgeous like a fox! wait what?
Another great photo of her. She's knows how to mad dog, prison-style.
She will shank a bitch, I'm not joking
Can somebody explain to me the impetus to go post in a thread from 4 years ago?
To remind people that you nominated yourself as lawyer hot 4 years ago. Speaking of, has anyone ever seen me? I'm beautiful.
RJC is a totem poll hell hole, waiting over a month for stip and order.