A witness in the HOA Scandal trial said Leon Benzer bragged that he had “special relationships and benefits” with local judges, but Chris Rasmussen, who was doing the cross-examination, did not press her for names. And, as you know, no judges were charged in the scandal. [RJ]
The slow-moving State Bar of Nevada filed a complaint against Brian Bloomfield for charges he pleaded guilty to in December 2013. [RJ]
Public review took place yesterday of the shooting of a man in a confrontation with Nevada Highway Patrol and BLM rangers out at Red Rock last year. [Fox5Vegas]
SB 114 proposes a comprehensive electronic database of prescriptions given to patients. [8NewsNow]
Five Reno Police Officers went to Ukraine for what was to be a two-month trip to train officers there in community policing. Apparently, the Reno City Council was never told about the trip beforehand and ordered the officers home. See, it’s not just Las Vegas. [KNPR]
A reader wants to know if any of you can “tell me if there is a difference between statutes of limitation and statutes of repose in Nevada?”
I'm pretty sure the differences between a statute of limitation and a statute of repose are the same in Nevada as they are anywhere else. With a statute of limitation, the time to bring a claim starts to run beginning with the damage to plaintiff. With a statue of repose, the time begins to run based on an event other than the damage to plaintiff
This case breaks it down if I recall correctly. Allstate Ins. Corp. v. Ferguson, 104 Nev. 772, 766 P.2d 904 (1988)
March 3, 2015 5:46 pm
Found this tidbit interesting: NRS 73.050, which provides for attorney’s fees for small claims matters on appeal to district court, provides the following "[t]he prevailing party on an appeal to the district court shall be awarded an attorney fee by the district court not to exceed the sum of $15." Hey legislature, can we get a little COL increase?
That was put in to actively discourage attorneys from taking small claims cases. They don't want you in Small Claims Court. Probably because Small Claims is legal anarchy where every rule of law or procedure you've ever known is thrown out the door as soon as the case starts, and having attorneys there who think it's going to be an actual court case gums up the works.
March 3, 2015 6:24 pm
Maybe Chris Rasmussen didn't press for names because he already knows? In 2014 he filed for and was bullied out of three judicial races vs. Betsy Gonzalez, Jerome Tao and Joanna Kishner (all 3 commonly connected by Dave Thomas).
March 3, 2015 7:49 pm
Bloomfield hasn't been practicing for a while, didn't the supremes already rule on that? They just haven't figured out how long he has to eat crow before he gets his license back.
I am glad I am not a cop. Any thug with an attitude can punch, run, threaten and know you will hesitate until last possible second before using lethal force. Police departments everywhere know a civil rights lawsuit has only one possible outcome: big bucks to thug's counsel. Or, to put it another way, every time a thug is gunned down, count on some fat motorcycle cop getting his quota jacked up. In the end, it's the innocent tax payers that pay, either way.
I'm pretty sure the differences between a statute of limitation and a statute of repose are the same in Nevada as they are anywhere else. With a statute of limitation, the time to bring a claim starts to run beginning with the damage to plaintiff. With a statue of repose, the time begins to run based on an event other than the damage to plaintiff
This case breaks it down if I recall correctly. Allstate Ins. Corp. v. Ferguson, 104 Nev. 772, 766 P.2d 904 (1988)
Found this tidbit interesting: NRS 73.050, which provides for attorney’s fees for small claims matters on appeal to district court, provides the following "[t]he prevailing party on an appeal to the district court shall be awarded an attorney fee by the district court not to exceed the sum of $15." Hey legislature, can we get a little COL increase?
That was put in to actively discourage attorneys from taking small claims cases. They don't want you in Small Claims Court. Probably because Small Claims is legal anarchy where every rule of law or procedure you've ever known is thrown out the door as soon as the case starts, and having attorneys there who think it's going to be an actual court case gums up the works.
Maybe Chris Rasmussen didn't press for names because he already knows? In 2014 he filed for and was bullied out of three judicial races vs. Betsy Gonzalez, Jerome Tao and Joanna Kishner (all 3 commonly connected by Dave Thomas).
Bloomfield hasn't been practicing for a while, didn't the supremes already rule on that? They just haven't figured out how long he has to eat crow before he gets his license back.
Just added the RJ link with the current story.
Too bad Jacob Hafter is the attorney for Berghardt's family in that NHP/BLM killing.
Too bad he is an attorney period!
I am glad I am not a cop. Any thug with an attitude can punch, run, threaten and know you will hesitate until last possible second before using lethal force. Police departments everywhere know a civil rights lawsuit has only one possible outcome: big bucks to thug's counsel. Or, to put it another way, every time a thug is gunned down, count on some fat motorcycle cop getting his quota jacked up. In the end, it's the innocent tax payers that pay, either way.
3:39 the LVRJ comments section is that way——>
LOL @ 2:48
Hey Quickdraw, I like the Harry Potter reference in the title.