A big day at the US Supreme Court with rulings striking down some Texas abortion clinic regulations, upholding weapons bans for domestic violence convictions, and political corruption prosecution. [SCOTUSblog]
Is Las Vegas Law going to get renewed for a second season? [RJ]
Anything else going on out there? We hear a few judges are already in Hawaii for the State Bar’s Annual Meeting.
BREAKING NEWS: Justice Nancy Saitta is retiring effective August 8, 2016. [@sandrachereb]
I have always found it ironic that Southern states indirectly help the liberal causes with their overboard laws that end up getting overruled and setting precedent for rest of the country…Roe v. Wade, Lawrence v. Texas, Loving v. Virginia…the South can't get out of its own way even if it tried
June 27, 2016 6:17 pm
Damn, Marisa Border is having a hard life not being able to go to the State Bar convention. It is must be hard for her. Probably cannot get pedicures in the clink, either.
Border should rot in hell for what she did, and her absolute disregard for taking somebody's life. She acts like she is the one suffering, please. Really shitty.
It was a horrible accident that can happen in the brink of an eye to anyone. Horrible tragedy to all. Also, while the comment is distasteful — how long did she get (what was her actual sentence)?
What Border did takes more than the blink of eye, and would not just happen to someone, unless they were an entitled little winch like Border, who thinks she is more important than others.
All these big talkers with lots of strong opinions and no one wants to put their name on the dotted line and say who they are? If an anonymous poster (that has no idea about anything aside from what they may have read on the internet) thinks you are an idiot for standing by a friend does it matter? This makes me laugh.
No, Jim, you make us laugh. You think Marissa is "excellent." She killed somebody. Love it how you think defending a killer is "signing on the dotted line."
Marisa Border got three months in jail and is out It is still an accident no matter what. In the rural counties, cases like this are a really big deal and it was filed and plead as a misdemeanor. Even if charged as a felony, it still could have been a misdemeanor or a gross, I suspect.
I used to like James Murphy. You lost my respect, dude. So did Marisa. She was a year ahead of me in school, and she does not sound repentant for hitting and killing him. Mind boggling.
JFC, if you hate this Border chick. Fine. Reckless driving. Vehicular homicide. Whatever. Under the standards for discipline, it is not CLOSE to a disbarment. I don't know her. I have never heard her name other than she was involved in a traffic accident. But the people calling for disbarment apparently have no concept of what the standards for discipline are in the State of Nevada or under the ABA Standards. If you don't know what you are talking about (and you don't), shut up.
I get tired of seeing people get trashed anonymously on this blog. I tire of the internet justice. I have a hard time believing that attorneys are the anonymous persons calling for her disbarment. The crime isn't salient to the ethics of the practice of law, at all. I can see how an angry lay person may think otherwise, and I suspect that one or two lay persons have emerged her to trash Border and call for her disbarment.
How dare you call for Marisa Border's being disbarred or disciplined? She killed somebody. What is wrong with you?
You all are a bunch of assholes. Murder has nothing to do with someone's fitness to practice law.
Okay "attorneys" you do know that murder requires intent right? An accident, even a reckless and stupid one does not meet the legal definition of murder.
How is it that if one is not advocating for disbarring Border that necessarily makes the person a "Marisa Border ass kisser"? I never heard of her before this. She may well be arrogant, dumb and a bad lawyer. I have no idea. None of that has anything to do with whether or not she is a "murderer." We understand that you are angry, but this is really not the place to deal with your loss.
8:30, nice try. Marissa Border should be disbarred. Not a family member. Call me when you get your MD in psychiatry. A bunch of people are against Border, who are in the legal field, so buy a clue.
Numerous bars discipline for vehicular manslaughter, shall I provide cites?? When is the State Bar going to discipline Marisa Border going to be disciplined????
In the Matter of the DISCIPLINE OF William J. JANKLOW as an Attorney at Law. No. ….. misconduct resulted in manslaughter or vehicular homicide convictions.
Just so you know, Janklow was convicted of a FELONY, Marisa was convicted of a MISDEMEANOR. I put it in caps so you would understand that, while both charges have the same title, they have different consequences based on the severity of the conviction. So while I appreciated that Janklow had a twenty-six month suspension, Marisa's actions do not rise to the level of misconduct as defined by the bar. But nice try.
There are more, 8:21, THERE ARE MORE, 8:21, in case you cannot read. She killed somebody, and should be disciplined. Think the Marissa Border fact pattern as running a stop sign. STOP SIGN, for you reading impaired. 8:21 is James Murphy.
Wait,8:21, James Murphy, you also said they don't discipline for VEHICULAR MANSLAUGHTER, you were wrong 3-4 times on that. Keep being an ass, I will keep GOING……
I get it. You are very upset that the member of your motorcycle club was hit and killed by reckless driving in rural Nevada. It is horribly tragic, and we feel for your loss. However the Nevada Rule for discipline was cited above. You do not want to look at the Nevada Rules for discipline or listen to how misdemeanor traffic violations are handled. At this point, all I can say is that I personally remain sorry for your loss.
I am not 8:21 or James Murphy. I am the one who posted SCR 111 a few days ago. 8:21 did not state that there is no discipline for vehicular manslaughter (although I have not seen anywhere that what Border pled to was vehicular manslaughter). Misdemeanors do not result in summary suspension. The SBN generally has had a policy of holding off on commencing discipline until sentencing so that the sentence can be considered in any discipline. Absent a summary suspension by the Supreme Court (and I gave you the standards for those), you will not see any form of suspension until the Discipline Panel holds its hearing and Supreme Court weighs in. This is not advocacy for what discipline should ultimately be meted out, merely a reflection of how the process in Nevada runs its course.
Going 90-100 with two small kids in the car is child endangerment on a rural rude. If the bar does not discipline over a vehicular homicide, then it is an embarrassment to my profession.
I have seen the posts on this, and it is bad. Marisa should be disciplined. Disbar, suspension, it should be done. I also think it wrong with the tone that people have taken when you speak out against Marisa. She deserves what she gets, and I am way more concerned about the man she killed, then her lack of remorse.
Under the ABA Standards for Lawyer Discipline, make your case as to how this is a disbarment offense. If you cannot determine what standard this offense violates which equates this disbarment, I will simply say that you have my condolences on the loss of your friend.
June 27, 2016 7:13 pm
What. The. Hell. If Saitta was considering this, she could at least have done us the courtesy of doing it in time for the appointment to only last through this year's general election.
I have a feeling the appointment is going to be a Johnson. Sandoval is such an idiot, they are automatic appointments. Wait, maybe it will be Joe Hardy, less than two years on the bench.
I'm glad that I'm not the only one who thought about the HOA scandal right away. I wouldn't be surprised to see it be Johnson. Almost certainly it will be a woman, right?
It's more a construction defect litigation scandal than an HOA scandal. And many committed crimes: judges, experts, lawyers, HOA board members. Nancy's suicide saved many.
Just what we need another big johnson on the Supreme Court. It does depend on who applies and who makes it through the oh so fair and non-political interview process to be in the list of three, correct?
Come on, the last round of possible appointees, included Eric Johnson in both departments. Maybe Baby Johnson will get appointed. Nothing fair about the selection process.
It will be a female replacement. We need the female quota. As silly as it sounds, do we really want another guy on the bench? There will be pressure for more estrogen.
I would hate to lose Togliatti as a trial judge. She is one of the very best. Prepared, fair, no ego problem, preserves the record, lets you try your case. Those are becoming scarce commodities down there.
June 27, 2016 7:32 pm
Justice Saitta has 20 years in PERS and is age 60. She will get a handsome PERS pension. I heard that she has some medical issues and has difficulty getting around after a surgery on leg, I think. Three terms is all you need as a Judge or Justice to get a decent retirement. She has that plus some.
Funny you should ask today – Caesars and the BK Trustee are in a fight over water rights that LSC purchased on behalf of prior entities that later became Caesars. Caesars filed its BK a couple weeks before LSC files its BK, Caesars alleges the water rights are its assets, the BK Trustee alleges they may be assets of LSC's BK estate. Interesting read if you're a BK junkie. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/274653189/160627%20-%20%2812%29%20First%20Amended%20Complaint%20-%20Ceasars%20v%20LSC.pdf
June 27, 2016 8:24 pm
Saitta was on the LV Muni Court for a few years too. She might have 25 years total on the bench. That's going to be a fat government retirement.
I cannot recall what she did as an attorney. I only ever remember her being a judge (first Muni, then EJDC, the NSC). Does anyone know what kind of work Saitta did as an attorney? For whom? For how long?
Saitta was a deputy attorney general assigned to the Nevada Missing Childrens Clearinghouse and is/was married to Joe Saitta, former head of the Secret Service, Las Vegas Office. She ran, unsuccessfully, for Family Court before getting appointed to the Las Vegas Municipal Court.
Nice set of opinions that would have still come out this way even if Scalia were still around. That said, we need that 9th member of the court.
I have always found it ironic that Southern states indirectly help the liberal causes with their overboard laws that end up getting overruled and setting precedent for rest of the country…Roe v. Wade, Lawrence v. Texas, Loving v. Virginia…the South can't get out of its own way even if it tried
Damn, Marisa Border is having a hard life not being able to go to the State Bar convention. It is must be hard for her. Probably cannot get pedicures in the clink, either.
And you are the reason why I can't stand civil lawyers. Bill your .1 for reading this post and STFU.
Amen to Asshole 11:17.
You two are the assholes. You can shut the fuck up, pieces of shit, defending a killer.
11:32 and 12:24 are ass wipeesss. Give Jim Murphy my best, you two.
Border should rot in hell for what she did, and her absolute disregard for taking somebody's life. She acts like she is the one suffering, please. Really shitty.
I think we should nominate Ma. Border to NV Supreme Court.
It was a horrible accident that can happen in the brink of an eye to anyone. Horrible tragedy to all. Also, while the comment is distasteful — how long did she get (what was her actual sentence)?
@12:36 – I'm confused, who is Jim Murphy, and what does he have to do with Marisa Border?
No, defending Border is distasteful. Jim Murphy thinks Border is "excellent."
What Border did takes more than the blink of eye, and would not just happen to someone, unless they were an entitled little winch like Border, who thinks she is more important than others.
1:46, I am with you. Go Ma. Border.
Nothing to see here……dead body who Marissa Border killed….move along….Bar convention ahead….
All these big talkers with lots of strong opinions and no one wants to put their name on the dotted line and say who they are? If an anonymous poster (that has no idea about anything aside from what they may have read on the internet) thinks you are an idiot for standing by a friend does it matter? This makes me laugh.
No, Jim, you make us laugh. You think Marissa is "excellent." She killed somebody. Love it how you think defending a killer is "signing on the dotted line."
Uh, I would not want Ma. Border as a friend. When you kill somebody, I cut the ties.
Mr. Murphy, could you please be on the character fitness of the bar? You are so generous, I have a couple of felonies, and I cannot sit for the bar.
Marisa Border got three months in jail and is out It is still an accident no matter what. In the rural counties, cases like this are a really big deal and it was filed and plead as a misdemeanor. Even if charged as a felony, it still could have been a misdemeanor or a gross, I suspect.
This sounds way too personal from way too many people.
Yup, she killed somebody, and it is an accident. Join team idiot, I mean team Murphy.
Ma. Border should be disbarred. She still should be in jail.
Is Bellon and Maningo still keeping Border employed?
I used to like James Murphy. You lost my respect, dude. So did Marisa. She was a year ahead of me in school, and she does not sound repentant for hitting and killing him. Mind boggling.
Lives matter equally as much in Lincoln Co. as Clark Co. A man was killed by Border. She should be disciplined, if not disbarred. What the hell?
JFC, if you hate this Border chick. Fine. Reckless driving. Vehicular homicide. Whatever. Under the standards for discipline, it is not CLOSE to a disbarment. I don't know her. I have never heard her name other than she was involved in a traffic accident. But the people calling for disbarment apparently have no concept of what the standards for discipline are in the State of Nevada or under the ABA Standards. If you don't know what you are talking about (and you don't), shut up.
9:17, neither do you, asshole, so you can shut up.
I get tired of seeing people get trashed anonymously on this blog. I tire of the internet justice. I have a hard time believing that attorneys are the anonymous persons calling for her disbarment. The crime isn't salient to the ethics of the practice of law, at all. I can see how an angry lay person may think otherwise, and I suspect that one or two lay persons have emerged her to trash Border and call for her disbarment.
So, missing the big picture here, aren't we? Ma Border — lawyer hot?
11:53 and on the Law Blog. Fine life you must have.
It's obvious that the victim's family has found this site and is actively posting, responding to every post. I'm sorry for you loss.
No, there are attorneys who think that Ma. Border should be disciplined. Guess you don't read. My life is fine, but thanks for the concern.
How dare you call for Marisa Border's being disbarred or disciplined? She killed somebody. What is wrong with you?
You all are a bunch of assholes. Murder has nothing to do with someone's fitness to practice law.
I am an attorney, and I am for Ms. Border's discipline.
Murder? Yes, you are not an attorney. Thank you for finally confirming that fact. I echo 8:55 am. I am very sorry for your loss.
Okay "attorneys" you do know that murder requires intent right? An accident, even a reckless and stupid one does not meet the legal definition of murder.
Yes, I am an attorney. Here's my middle finger.
Marisa Border is a murderer. You can insult me, I could care less. She should be remain in custody, and she should be disciplined.
Lot of people think she should be disciplined, me included, and I am also a lawyer. Don't have to prove my pedigree to you Marisa Border ass kissers.
Aside from Marisa's discipline, I know her, she is as dumb as shit, and she is immature. Worked with her at the PD's office.
As far as "lawyer hot", she sure thinks she is. That is for sure. Baseless arrogance.
People I feel sorry for is the gentleman she killed, and her kids. I don't feel sorry for her at all.
How is it that if one is not advocating for disbarring Border that necessarily makes the person a "Marisa Border ass kisser"? I never heard of her before this. She may well be arrogant, dumb and a bad lawyer. I have no idea. None of that has anything to do with whether or not she is a "murderer." We understand that you are angry, but this is really not the place to deal with your loss.
8:30, nice try. Marissa Border should be disbarred. Not a family member. Call me when you get your MD in psychiatry. A bunch of people are against Border, who are in the legal field, so buy a clue.
Numerous bars discipline for vehicular manslaughter, shall I provide cites?? When is the State Bar going to discipline Marisa Border going to be disciplined????
delete the last going to be disciplined.
IN RE DISCIPLINE OF JANKLOW, 2006 SD 3 (S.D. 2006) | Casetext
In the Matter of the DISCIPLINE OF William J. JANKLOW as an Attorney at Law. No. ….. misconduct resulted in manslaughter or vehicular homicide convictions.
There are more…
Janklow was the former governor of South Dakota
Just so you know, Janklow was convicted of a FELONY, Marisa was convicted of a MISDEMEANOR. I put it in caps so you would understand that, while both charges have the same title, they have different consequences based on the severity of the conviction. So while I appreciated that Janklow had a twenty-six month suspension, Marisa's actions do not rise to the level of misconduct as defined by the bar. But nice try.
There are more, 8:21, THERE ARE MORE, 8:21, in case you cannot read. She killed somebody, and should be disciplined. Think the Marissa Border fact pattern as running a stop sign. STOP SIGN, for you reading impaired. 8:21 is James Murphy.
used, keep BOLSTERING my POINTS, 8:21
Wait,8:21, James Murphy, you also said they don't discipline for VEHICULAR MANSLAUGHTER, you were wrong 3-4 times on that. Keep being an ass, I will keep GOING……
I get it. You are very upset that the member of your motorcycle club was hit and killed by reckless driving in rural Nevada. It is horribly tragic, and we feel for your loss. However the Nevada Rule for discipline was cited above. You do not want to look at the Nevada Rules for discipline or listen to how misdemeanor traffic violations are handled. At this point, all I can say is that I personally remain sorry for your loss.
Janklow was a sensational high profile case who had a history of really bad driving and getting breaks. He was the former Governor and a Congressman.
I am not 8:21 or James Murphy. I am the one who posted SCR 111 a few days ago. 8:21 did not state that there is no discipline for vehicular manslaughter (although I have not seen anywhere that what Border pled to was vehicular manslaughter). Misdemeanors do not result in summary suspension. The SBN generally has had a policy of holding off on commencing discipline until sentencing so that the sentence can be considered in any discipline. Absent a summary suspension by the Supreme Court (and I gave you the standards for those), you will not see any form of suspension until the Discipline Panel holds its hearing and Supreme Court weighs in. This is not advocacy for what discipline should ultimately be meted out, merely a reflection of how the process in Nevada runs its course.
Going 90-100 with two small kids in the car is child endangerment on a rural rude. If the bar does not discipline over a vehicular homicide, then it is an embarrassment to my profession.
I have seen the posts on this, and it is bad. Marisa should be disciplined. Disbar, suspension, it should be done. I also think it wrong with the tone that people have taken when you speak out against Marisa. She deserves what she gets, and I am way more concerned about the man she killed, then her lack of remorse.
Under the ABA Standards for Lawyer Discipline, make your case as to how this is a disbarment offense. If you cannot determine what standard this offense violates which equates this disbarment, I will simply say that you have my condolences on the loss of your friend.
What. The. Hell. If Saitta was considering this, she could at least have done us the courtesy of doing it in time for the appointment to only last through this year's general election.
Maybe the Feds finally got to her.
I have a feeling the appointment is going to be a Johnson. Sandoval is such an idiot, they are automatic appointments. Wait, maybe it will be Joe Hardy, less than two years on the bench.
I'm glad that I'm not the only one who thought about the HOA scandal right away. I wouldn't be surprised to see it be Johnson. Almost certainly it will be a woman, right?
It's more a construction defect litigation scandal than an HOA scandal. And many committed crimes: judges, experts, lawyers, HOA board members. Nancy's suicide saved many.
Just what we need another big johnson on the Supreme Court. It does depend on who applies and who makes it through the oh so fair and non-political interview process to be in the list of three, correct?
Come on, the last round of possible appointees, included Eric Johnson in both departments. Maybe Baby Johnson will get appointed. Nothing fair about the selection process.
Please not Tao. Please not Tao. Please not Tao.
I would prefer Tao over a Johnson.
It will be a female replacement. We need the female quota. As silly as it sounds, do we really want another guy on the bench? There will be pressure for more estrogen.
What about Silver? Get some fresh blood in there please, no Eighth Judicial winners.
Togliatti gets the appointment if she applies
I agree. Togliatti, Gonzalez or Cadish would be my guess (although Cadish might have a party-affiliation problem).
I would hate to lose Togliatti as a trial judge. She is one of the very best. Prepared, fair, no ego problem, preserves the record, lets you try your case. Those are becoming scarce commodities down there.
Justice Saitta has 20 years in PERS and is age 60. She will get a handsome PERS pension. I heard that she has some medical issues and has difficulty getting around after a surgery on leg, I think. Three terms is all you need as a Judge or Justice to get a decent retirement. She has that plus some.
someone please verify whether she is in attendance at annual meeting.
Are there any updates on the Lionel Sawyer bankruptcy and the Gordon Silver lease litigation from when they bolted out of their office space?
It's been a long time so I'm wondering why there hasn't been any news.
Jeff Silver and Hemo are super lawyers who cannot pay their bills.
Funny you should ask today – Caesars and the BK Trustee are in a fight over water rights that LSC purchased on behalf of prior entities that later became Caesars. Caesars filed its BK a couple weeks before LSC files its BK, Caesars alleges the water rights are its assets, the BK Trustee alleges they may be assets of LSC's BK estate. Interesting read if you're a BK junkie.
Saitta was on the LV Muni Court for a few years too. She might have 25 years total on the bench. That's going to be a fat government retirement.
I cannot recall what she did as an attorney. I only ever remember her being a judge (first Muni, then EJDC, the NSC). Does anyone know what kind of work Saitta did as an attorney? For whom? For how long?
And she wasn't bad looking 25 years ago.
I think somebody over at Bailey Kennedy should get the appointment. They are the best of the best.
I hope that is a joke.
Saitta was a deputy attorney general assigned to the Nevada Missing Childrens Clearinghouse and is/was married to Joe Saitta, former head of the Secret Service, Las Vegas Office. She ran, unsuccessfully, for Family Court before getting appointed to the Las Vegas Municipal Court.