law school hot
used to describe women who, in any other scenario would be considered hunchbacked, slovenly, heinous wildebeasts. But, because of their captive audience (law school men) and their alternatives (other trolls, buffalos, and wildebeasts) they somehow garner attraction.
Q: "Is she hot or law school hot?"
A: "Well, considering her muffin-top fupa, hairy upper lip, lazy eye, and club foot, she is most definitely law school hot."
The worst part of being a legal academic is showing up late, making students teach other students via socratic questioning, having desperate students kiss your ass, having some research assistant research your meaningless ponderings, leaving early, and collecting a six figure salary. Wait, did I say worst? I mean not worst. Opposite of worst.
It would get old, real fast. Human beings need purpose in life in order to achieve contentment and happiness. There are unpleasant things about being a lawyer (billable hours, other attorneys, challenging clients, deadlines, etc), but the absence of those things does not equate to happiness. Legal academics never get to feel the satisfaction and rush of winning when you're an underdog. They don't get to express real world creativity like we do. They don't get to be told "thank you," by a profusely grateful client. Sure, they live in a stress-free world, but a world without contrast is a world where sweet is unrecognizable because there is no bitterness. I would rather live in law than slumber in academia.
Any job is what you make of it. Teaching at any level can be fulfilling but with law we all know schools are full of folks who won't be able to get jobs in an oversaturated market. So there's something disingenuous about legal academia.
August 18, 2016 9:32 pm
I have a very hard time seeing eye to eye with Judge Hafen!
Still waiting on a "Lawyer Hot" or "Lawyer Asshole" thread
Post your picture and we'll get started right here with "Am I lawyer hot or not?"
law school hot
used to describe women who, in any other scenario would be considered hunchbacked, slovenly, heinous wildebeasts. But, because of their captive audience (law school men) and their alternatives (other trolls, buffalos, and wildebeasts) they somehow garner attraction.
Q: "Is she hot or law school hot?"
A: "Well, considering her muffin-top fupa, hairy upper lip, lazy eye, and club foot, she is most definitely law school hot."
ok fine, here's my pic.
Now tell me, am I lawyer hot?
1:10: you are soooooo hot
Hot or Not?
Laxalt seems like a mediocre, publicity hound pushing his own stunted agenda trying to get national attention. Ross Miller this is all your fault.
Nope – the fault lies with apathetic Nevadans who could not get off their butts and vote.
Boyd has always had the liberal-feminist-lesbian faculty segment covered.
Right. Did Prof. Lazos do her ping pong ball thing in anyone else's class?
"The UNLV William S. Boyd School of Law faculty has authored more than 250 books and book chapters and more than 600 law review articles."
Real world impact and influence: 0
I think the worst part of being a legal academic must be knowing deep down that you aren't doing anything of value or real significance.
The worst part of being a legal academic is showing up late, making students teach other students via socratic questioning, having desperate students kiss your ass, having some research assistant research your meaningless ponderings, leaving early, and collecting a six figure salary. Wait, did I say worst? I mean not worst. Opposite of worst.
Pay me $150k to teach a few classes, write a few articles, shag a few students, I'm good to go. Impact shimpact
As your internet lawyer, I recommend that you don't shag students. Otherwise, full speed ahead good sir.
2:04 PM here.
It would get old, real fast. Human beings need purpose in life in order to achieve contentment and happiness. There are unpleasant things about being a lawyer (billable hours, other attorneys, challenging clients, deadlines, etc), but the absence of those things does not equate to happiness. Legal academics never get to feel the satisfaction and rush of winning when you're an underdog. They don't get to express real world creativity like we do. They don't get to be told "thank you," by a profusely grateful client. Sure, they live in a stress-free world, but a world without contrast is a world where sweet is unrecognizable because there is no bitterness. I would rather live in law than slumber in academia.
Any job is what you make of it. Teaching at any level can be fulfilling but with law we all know schools are full of folks who won't be able to get jobs in an oversaturated market. So there's something disingenuous about legal academia.
I have a very hard time seeing eye to eye with Judge Hafen!
This comment has been removed by the author.
I found some exclusive footage of Hafen:
after reading this page like 5 separate times, I finally got the pun of 2:32's comment. Wow i am slow