- Quickdraw McLaw
- Clark County Commissioners approved a $500,000 retainer to lawyer up with Kirk Lenhard in anticipation of a lawsuit. [RJ]
- George Tiaffay, convicted of hiring a homeless man to kill his wife, now confesses to the crime in his appeal. [RJ]
- The Las Vegas City Council approved the use of Cashman Field for a USL soccer team. [RJ]
- Today is OJ Simpson’s parole hearing. [Las Vegas Sun]
Are we just dropping the "person" part now? "hiring a homeless" sounds a little off.
They are no longer people, they are nothing more then a condition.
OJ……..he didn't do it!! Let the Juice Loose!!
If Malcom Laverigne prepped OJ for this hearing about the necessity of saying little for excuse and nothing more than showing contrition, he did a terrible job.
O.J. is in trouble if Malcom is advising him.
Malcolm is a bufoon. Watch the press conference.
Oh come on fellas and gals, give Malcolm a break.
Malcolm insults people with mullets.
I don't think we are doing him any favors by giving him a break. Although the bloggers expressed their view of him in dismissive, negative terms, and instead should have offered positive suggestions, their comments about him and how he presents are dead-on accurate.
He is a relatively young attorney, who, up to this point, appears mediocre at best. Since he was blessed and fortunate enough to have the O.J. matter fall into his lap, he should have consulted more experienced attorneys about how to present the matter, how to handle the press, etc. That would have shown a commitment to learn and improve. If an attorney is mediocre, but acknowledges that fact, and is committed to really improve, most of them do improve quite a bit. Problem is humility, and true insight into the limitations of one's own skills and abilities, are attributes sorely lacking in most attorneys.
So, perhaps Malcolm assumed he is a great attorney, and that getting a piece of the O.J. action reinforces that belief. Instead, he should have viewed himself as extremely fortunate to be part of this, and should have asked for help in how to prepare and present the matter from far more experienced defense attorneys, who also have a good track record of handling the press and responding to pointed, challenging inquiries in a highly public, highly charged situation. He apparently lacks such experience, and apparently did not really request substantive help from people with such experience. At least that's how it appears to me.
Malcolm is personally going to squeeze the pension of the prison guard who wrote the book about guarding the juice in prison. Malcolm is a bufoon.
If 4:23 is correct, then Malcolm's belief in his own abilities may be reinforced by the fact that O.J. was paroled–even though such parole was pretty much a far gone conclusion
Many attorneys judge their performance in a matter based merely on the results and whether they were successful.
But a far better barometer of an excellent attorney is when they win some of the case that they were expected to lose as the odds were against their clients.
I can honestly say that Malcolm LaVergne is the most childish opposing counsel I've encountered. I have such a great story to tell to that end, but if I told it, I would out myself.
Guy reminds me of Steve Urkel.
Century Insurance vs. Dennis Prince
The SLAPP Motion was filed by Prince’s attorneys. Riley Clayton for George Ranalli and Matthew Sharp for Sylvia Esparza each filed a joinder.
A motion to stay discovery was filed by Prince’s attorneys and was joined by Ranalli and Esparza. Peggy Leen granted the motion to stay discovery.
Judge Mahan wrote a good opinion on the Anti-SLAPP motion. I downloaded all of the motions, oppositions and replies for my firm’s form bank.
Century Insurance was represented by J. Ric Gass Milwaukee firm Gass Weber Mullins LLC; Maria Cousineau from LA firm Cozen O’Conner and Marty Kravitz was local counsel. I doubt Marty actually thought this case against Dennis Prince was a good idea.
Dennis Prince was represented by Joseph Garin & Megan Hummel from Lipson & Neilson in Las Vegas; Robert Eglet, Dennis Prince & Erica Entsminger of Eglet Prince
George Ranalli was represented by Riley Clayton of Hall Clayton & Jaffe.
Sylvia Esparza was represented by Matthew L. Sharp from Reno.
Ric Gass is incredibly skilled and incredibly shady.
Is Kravitz retiring? I think this case lowers him in the esteem he thought he was in.
Marty has good stories about old Las Vegas. I like him. But, I've never been opposite.
OJ got parole.
The State Bar of Nevada's 2018 Annual Meeting will be in Chicago.
Could it be any more obvious this is a private party? Jesus fuck how is that even legal.
It's such a waste of money
They let this be known in Austin. Its a travesty. No one will go, except the BoG and Judiciary on your nickel. We are paying bar dues just to stroke Kim Farmer's ego. I will personally campaign for any Board of Governors candidate who puts in their platform the removal of Kim as Executive Director.
Holding the Nevada State Bar Convention anywhere other than Nevada is ridiculous and a complete waste of members' dues. Board of Governors all need to be discharged for inappropriately spending our dues on frivolity.
When are the meetings when the decide how to spend our money? I admit I don't pay a lot of attention to the Bar which I mostly consider a bloated jobs program but is a last straw kind of thing.
Do OML apply to the State Bar?
Don't forget the courts. AOC is spending plenty on out-of-state vacations/bar conventions for judges. We should get an accounting for all of it and then should ask candidates for board of governors their position on this before voting.
Yep. Problem is it is the same people running for BOG all the time. No one ever runs on a "shake things up" platform.
The Nevada bar exam had big clocks on the wall so we know how much time we had left on the multiple choice part (i.e., the part where you don't get to look at your computer's clock). I assumed the California bar would be the same. It was not, and I had to go rush and buy some overpriced watch from a nearby J Crew over the lunch break.
a foregone conclusion ffs