- Quickdraw McLaw
- Judge David Barker ruled that Judge Elizabeth Gonzalez will stay on the Las Vegas Sands case. [RJ]
- Cliven Bundy indicted. [RJ]
Job Tips: So You’re A…
It's a small legal community. You'll run into the same…
Job Tips: So You’re A…
Don't expect staff to be your friend. Be polite, be…
Job Tips: So You’re A…
Develop the skill of speaking like an adult. Save the…
Job Tips: So You’re A…
Look at who has made partner at your firm. If…
They Just Have It
What part of "well regulated" don't you understand? Why do…
I think the blog might just be….dead.
The next step will be a renewed motion to recuse based on the potential for prejudice arising out of the first two motions to recuse.
It is pretty shameless…clearly, they are hoping to provoke some sort of judicial response that would provide a basis for recusal. I think there should be sanctions at some point in this charade.
Seems like the time would be when they appeal this latest ruling
UmMMM….not dead YET..Hey this blog FORCED NV 3 judge appellate court to make docs available online….not dead YET….
How did it do that?