Has Half Price Lawyers shut its doors? At least part of the story of what is happening with Half Price Lawyers is posted on the website of that name. No word yet on what kind of weight to to give this explanation.
Is this move by Las Vegas City Attorney Brad Jerbic to keep the stadium issue off the June ballot an act of creative lawyering or good ol’ fashioned politicking? And, oh, that hair. [RJ]
Here’s a look at AB120, a religious freedom bill for students. [KNPR]
Here’s a look at the infamous Las Vegas traffic lawyer feud between Mark Coburn and Scott Holper. [RJ]
The “road rage case” defense team want gun shot residue testing done on the victim. [Fox5Vegas]
If you didn’t see it in the comments, here’s an article about an business that offers shoplifters a chance to pay them a fine if they don’t report the shoplifter to the police. [Slate]
There’s a $300 million settlement in a lawsuit brought by lenders on the Fontainebleau project. [Reuters]
Forcing someone to pay you cash to avoid reporting them to the police sounds fishy. They are likely to grab a lot of guilty folks, but the first time it's done to an innocent person the judgment will bankrupt them.
I believe Steve Brox tried to start something similar to this about 5 years ago before he flamed out. Maybe he was attempting to be the Las Vegas franchise for these people or was just ripping off their idea. Sounds very coercive and misguided. The "failing to report a crime" is fishy too.
Taking advantage of the poor is standard operating procedure for scumbags. For example, stop by RJC. See all the poor folks with their duct taped cars waiting in line to tithe their scarce funds to the almighty government as a result of having been tagged doing 45 in a 35 zone that conveniently had pigs on cycles stationed right where the six lane road went from 45 to 35, with notice provided by the partially obscured traffic sign.
My favorite part is when the poor citizens then return to their cars and find another ticket! Las Vegas has gone above and beyond to make parking difficult and expensive around the courhouse. Maybe they forget to pay that one, or the tickie blows off the windshield. One day, returning home from their second job, they get tagged again. A warrant! Jail! More fines! More time away from work. Who knows, maybe the cosmic force of evil gets an extra charge in the form of the strapped and stressed poor citizen fighting with his loved one, resulting in a shove and then…..a DV arrest. More fines! Jail! More time away from work. Maybe termination and real poverty after that!
It's an endless cycle that exists primarily to impose evil on the world. But along the way it conveniently enriches fat cat unions, lazy municipal empoloyess, sociopath politicians, and a few attorneys.
So, yeah, no surprise about the shoplifter thing. Don't get me wrong, shoplifting happens. I've personally witnessed black ladies literally stuffing their bags with merchandise and then walking past employees out the door. They know corporate policy prohibits employees from doing anything, and besides, most employees are smart enough to know no amount of bras or pants are worth a blade to the gut. Talk to any retailer, and they will talk about the "shrink" and how powerless they are to stop it; and how cops are less than useless. But that's not the point. We don't fix a wrong by superimposing another for-profit wrong. Sue 'dem scumbags!
omg 9:38 am, give it a rest. If you speed and get a ticket, it's your fault no matter if there is a speed trap or not. I'm in summerlin and there is a speed trap on the 215 at charleston almost everyday. Cops don't just target the poor. And if you want to convenience of parking next to the courthouse, then you have to pay, otherwise park somewhere inconvenient for free! but don't take my paking space next to the courthouse without paying and think you're not going to get into some trouble. and i could go on, but it's the end of the month and i'm behind on my billable hours.
A lot of stores actually report you to the police AND sue you. Walmart does it all the time. So I think those stores are actually way cooler. Especially if petit larceny is a crime of moral turpitude, but you'd have to ask an immigration attorney about that.
9:38 you're all for sticking up or the oppressed and marginalized – why did you feel the need to point out the race of ladies you witnessed shoplifting?
February 27, 2015 4:50 pm
Re: Holper feud
I'll take the $10,000 challenge! I'm an internet tough guy…I can take anyone!
February 27, 2015 4:55 pm
That bad wig illustrates how silly some folks 50ish plus look trying to be something they are not. Same ridiculous look when women like Tracy Eglet and Joanna Kishner try to look sixteen with fake hair extensions or some with the icky fake eyelashes which should be left on the stage. People, embrace the real fabulous you and lose the gaudy and ridiculous props. Fake is out! If you are a woman thirty years past high school, take your cue from Nicole Kidman and cut off those fake "I wanna look 16" hair extensions. Guys, skip the rugs. Your image will thank you for it.
First, Tracy is very attractive. Second, I would rather a woman try to keep a little sizzle than go butch, get fat and wear a muumuu. As anyone who works with Tracy knows, her sizzle is only party based on her great looks. She fills the room with energy and intelligence. Some men (and women) can't handle it. I, on the other hand, cherish it, look up to it and celebrate it. Go Tracy!
Before she met Eglet, she was hot, sexy, and very available. Then she hooked up with the Big E and got him to leave his wife and kids. Must be something there. Impressive woman!
@1:15, whatever you may think of him (or Tracy for that matter), Eglet never left his kids. Divorce these days doesn't mean the wife gets full custody anymore. Rumors are just rumors.
Nope. The only time that crusty 48 year old crow 'sizzles' is when she's serving Bob's bacon and eggs from a skillet! But here's hoping Morticia and Gomez Addams have a nice weekend anyways.
I agree women need not let themselves get hideous, but looking like you are trying way too hard to cling to youth isn't much better. My perception of an aging woman with hair extensions, ridiculous fake eyelashes, on display disproportionate fake boobs, stripper shoes (not referring to anyone in particular, just generalizing) is that she must have self esteem issues and be desperate for attention. It does not instill confidence. I'm sure my stereotyping is not-infrequently off base, but nonetheless, I doubt I'm alone in this perception.
When Las Vegas Woman magazine started up, the Eglets were major advertising sponsors and were featured in 2012 and 2013 (see photo above provided by Tracy's website). The next issue of LVW features attorneys. If you would like to buy advertising space or be featured in the next issue, contact LVW publisher Tammy before April 2, 2015.
February 27, 2015 5:21 pm
So operating as HPL is like assuming the mantle of the Dread Pirate Roberts (from the movie, not the Silk Road guy). With Truitt apparently faltering, who among us is brave enough to replace our identity with a cartoon character and comic sans font?
You can't trust Stokes, he'll do anybody dirty if he can. Ask anybody who worked an independent contractor agreement with him and I think they'll agree.
"You seem a decent fellow. I hate to kill you." "You seem a decent fellow. I hate to die" This may not exactly fit but I'm not passing up a chance to quote from the Princess Bride.
Seriously, though, I think my original analogy might not be as apt. I believe being the Dread Pirate Roberts was a profitable venture. Perhaps it is more akin to going the route of wearing a holocaust cloak and claiming you are the dread pirate. You take the name of DPR, but in the end you just get burned.
I just love to see Stokes fail. And before anyone says it was Truitt who undid the Half Price Lawyers' success, I have enough inside information to know the truth. I foresee the same future for his "loan" business venture, which I hear has been blackballed by most attorneys in the valley.
The interest rate for InjuryLoans.com's "advances" is FIVE HUNDRED TEN PERCENT annually… and the "lien" requires lawyers to agree to "super-priority". Additionally, EVERY client that signs up is being shopped to different PI firm.
Yeah I heard through the grapevine that Stokes takes all of his loan clients and funnels them away from their attorney to a friend's firm (I won't name any names), then he gets a cut of the PI settlement proceeds from the friend. I know a firm in town that has had several cases taken by Stokes and sent to another firm after the firm used him for loans. Why anyone would want to do business with him is beyond me!!
Meanwhile, Eric Holder laments pesky procedural safeguards in place that prevent him from taking out crackers! Just as every problem is a nail to a hammer, every issue is race related to that guy and his Dear Leader. We should just get rid of the whole justice system (it's based on reactionary white traditions anyway) and substitute a one-stop process whereby a shaman, like Holder, summarily rules on all accusations.
Forcing someone to pay you cash to avoid reporting them to the police sounds fishy. They are likely to grab a lot of guilty folks, but the first time it's done to an innocent person the judgment will bankrupt them.
I believe Steve Brox tried to start something similar to this about 5 years ago before he flamed out. Maybe he was attempting to be the Las Vegas franchise for these people or was just ripping off their idea. Sounds very coercive and misguided. The "failing to report a crime" is fishy too.
Taking advantage of the poor is standard operating procedure for scumbags. For example, stop by RJC. See all the poor folks with their duct taped cars waiting in line to tithe their scarce funds to the almighty government as a result of having been tagged doing 45 in a 35 zone that conveniently had pigs on cycles stationed right where the six lane road went from 45 to 35, with notice provided by the partially obscured traffic sign.
My favorite part is when the poor citizens then return to their cars and find another ticket! Las Vegas has gone above and beyond to make parking difficult and expensive around the courhouse. Maybe they forget to pay that one, or the tickie blows off the windshield. One day, returning home from their second job, they get tagged again. A warrant! Jail! More fines! More time away from work. Who knows, maybe the cosmic force of evil gets an extra charge in the form of the strapped and stressed poor citizen fighting with his loved one, resulting in a shove and then…..a DV arrest. More fines! Jail! More time away from work. Maybe termination and real poverty after that!
It's an endless cycle that exists primarily to impose evil on the world. But along the way it conveniently enriches fat cat unions, lazy municipal empoloyess, sociopath politicians, and a few attorneys.
So, yeah, no surprise about the shoplifter thing. Don't get me wrong, shoplifting happens. I've personally witnessed black ladies literally stuffing their bags with merchandise and then walking past employees out the door. They know corporate policy prohibits employees from doing anything, and besides, most employees are smart enough to know no amount of bras or pants are worth a blade to the gut. Talk to any retailer, and they will talk about the "shrink" and how powerless they are to stop it; and how cops are less than useless. But that's not the point. We don't fix a wrong by superimposing another for-profit wrong. Sue 'dem scumbags!
omg 9:38 am, give it a rest. If you speed and get a ticket, it's your fault no matter if there is a speed trap or not. I'm in summerlin and there is a speed trap on the 215 at charleston almost everyday. Cops don't just target the poor. And if you want to convenience of parking next to the courthouse, then you have to pay, otherwise park somewhere inconvenient for free! but don't take my paking space next to the courthouse without paying and think you're not going to get into some trouble. and i could go on, but it's the end of the month and i'm behind on my billable hours.
9:38, perhaps we should institute the "day fine" system from Europe. You get fined based on a percentage of your income, not just a flat amount.
A lot of stores actually report you to the police AND sue you. Walmart does it all the time. So I think those stores are actually way cooler. Especially if petit larceny is a crime of moral turpitude, but you'd have to ask an immigration attorney about that.
9:38 you're all for sticking up or the oppressed and marginalized – why did you feel the need to point out the race of ladies you witnessed shoplifting?
Re: Holper feud
I'll take the $10,000 challenge! I'm an internet tough guy…I can take anyone!
That bad wig illustrates how silly some folks 50ish plus look trying to be something they are not. Same ridiculous look when women like Tracy Eglet and Joanna Kishner try to look sixteen with fake hair extensions or some with the icky fake eyelashes which should be left on the stage. People, embrace the real fabulous you and lose the gaudy and ridiculous props. Fake is out! If you are a woman thirty years past high school, take your cue from Nicole Kidman and cut off those fake "I wanna look 16" hair extensions. Guys, skip the rugs. Your image will thank you for it.
Tracy Eglet is going to hunt you down and make you suffer. No One Insults The Queen!
Although, as a guy, I'd really like to get an extension to make me look 16 inches.
Fake is never out in Vegas. This town is all fake. STFU
First, Tracy is very attractive. Second, I would rather a woman try to keep a little sizzle than go butch, get fat and wear a muumuu. As anyone who works with Tracy knows, her sizzle is only party based on her great looks. She fills the room with energy and intelligence. Some men (and women) can't handle it. I, on the other hand, cherish it, look up to it and celebrate it. Go Tracy!
Thanks for your input, Tracy.
I didn't know Tracy's boyfriend was an attorney.
Tracy Eglet was hot when she took the bar back in 1997 and she's hot now. Just deal with it.
Thanks for the original comment @8:55 re: Kishner, made me spit out my coffee and I wasn't even drinking any.
Uh, I think that was from her fat, butch associate in a mumu. O wait, not a mumu, those are just tattoos
Look at this picture and ask yourself what the heck 8:55 AM's problem is.
Tracy is still hot. She is in her Mid 40's. She is hot.
I'd bend her over and show her the 50 states! Nice pic 12:39!
12:39's photographic evidence wins the case!! Tracy's hot!
Before she met Eglet, she was hot, sexy, and very available. Then she hooked up with the Big E and got him to leave his wife and kids. Must be something there. Impressive woman!
She'll still look good 10 years from now.
@1:15, whatever you may think of him (or Tracy for that matter), Eglet never left his kids. Divorce these days doesn't mean the wife gets full custody anymore. Rumors are just rumors.
Nope. The only time that crusty 48 year old crow 'sizzles' is when she's serving Bob's bacon and eggs from a skillet! But here's hoping Morticia and Gomez Addams have a nice weekend anyways.
I agree women need not let themselves get hideous, but looking like you are trying way too hard to cling to youth isn't much better. My perception of an aging woman with hair extensions, ridiculous fake eyelashes, on display disproportionate fake boobs, stripper shoes (not referring to anyone in particular, just generalizing) is that she must have self esteem issues and be desperate for attention. It does not instill confidence. I'm sure my stereotyping is not-infrequently off base, but nonetheless, I doubt I'm alone in this perception.
When Las Vegas Woman magazine started up, the Eglets were major advertising sponsors and were featured in 2012 and 2013 (see photo above provided by Tracy's website). The next issue of LVW features attorneys. If you would like to buy advertising space or be featured in the next issue, contact LVW publisher Tammy before April 2, 2015.
So operating as HPL is like assuming the mantle of the Dread Pirate Roberts (from the movie, not the Silk Road guy). With Truitt apparently faltering, who among us is brave enough to replace our identity with a cartoon character and comic sans font?
That is an excellent analogy.
"Good night Westley, I'll most likely kill you in the morning."
You can't trust Stokes, he'll do anybody dirty if he can. Ask anybody who worked an independent contractor agreement with him and I think they'll agree.
"You seem a decent fellow. I hate to kill you." "You seem a decent fellow. I hate to die" This may not exactly fit but I'm not passing up a chance to quote from the Princess Bride.
Stokes: Offer me money.
Count Truitt: Yes!
Stokes: Power, too, promise me that.
Count Truitt: All that I have and more. Please…
Stokes: Offer me anything I ask for.
Count Truitt: Anything you want…
[Truitt knocks Stokes' sword aside and lunges. But Stokes traps his arm and aims his sword at Truitt's stomach]
Stokes: I want my brand back, you son of a bitch!
"Have fun storming the castle!" "You think they have a chance of getting the business back?" "Not a chance!"
Why would anyone want to buy the license to HPL when it went BK?
HPL/Stokes "You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means"
Seriously, though, I think my original analogy might not be as apt. I believe being the Dread Pirate Roberts was a profitable venture. Perhaps it is more akin to going the route of wearing a holocaust cloak and claiming you are the dread pirate. You take the name of DPR, but in the end you just get burned.
No more rhyming, I mean it!
Anybody got a peanut?
I hired you to start a crappy law firm. "It's a prestigious line of work with a long and glorious tradition"
"For now, sleep well and dream of large women" and forget about HPL
I just love to see Stokes fail. And before anyone says it was Truitt who undid the Half Price Lawyers' success, I have enough inside information to know the truth. I foresee the same future for his "loan" business venture, which I hear has been blackballed by most attorneys in the valley.
Stokes is just a dick. Plain and simple.
The interest rate for InjuryLoans.com's "advances" is FIVE HUNDRED TEN PERCENT annually… and the "lien" requires lawyers to agree to "super-priority". Additionally, EVERY client that signs up is being shopped to different PI firm.
Yeah I heard through the grapevine that Stokes takes all of his loan clients and funnels them away from their attorney to a friend's firm (I won't name any names), then he gets a cut of the PI settlement proceeds from the friend. I know a firm in town that has had several cases taken by Stokes and sent to another firm after the firm used him for loans. Why anyone would want to do business with him is beyond me!!
Spock has moved on. RIP
Meanwhile, Eric Holder laments pesky procedural safeguards in place that prevent him from taking out crackers! Just as every problem is a nail to a hammer, every issue is race related to that guy and his Dear Leader. We should just get rid of the whole justice system (it's based on reactionary white traditions anyway) and substitute a one-stop process whereby a shaman, like Holder, summarily rules on all accusations.
Holy shit what are you babbling about?