Job Tips: Somebody That I Used To Know

We were looking through some old posts and saw this one from 2016 that seems worth revisiting with ever-changing standards of acceptability–not to mention that we have a very small judicial community where we contribute to the judicial campaigns of friends and coworkers every few years. What is your policy for interacting with judges on social media? If you were friends with a judge before they donned the black robe, did your interactions with them change (online or offline)? And what do you do when you have to appear in front of a judge that you’re friends with on social media? Do you disclose it? Do you expect the judge to disclose it if they think it’s an issue? Do you mention you used to go to lunch together when you were coworkers but haven’t interacted socially in the last 10 years? If you still interact with your friends as judges do you ever find yourself walking the ethical tightrope? What tips or advice you have for these situations?
