- Quickdraw McLaw
January tends to be a month where a lot of people in the legal profession change jobs. Maybe it is because of resolutions that are made, maybe it’s because the bonuses have been paid, or maybe it’s just because firms start hiring again. Now that the month is nearly over, let us know where you stand on job satisfaction. Are you satisfied where you are at? Do you plan on looking for a new job? Are you already looking? If you’re not satisfied where you are at, why? What could get you to change your mind? Are you satisfied with your current job? Is the pandemic forcing you to stay somewhere you would otherwise leave?
Anyone know what any of the defeated judges(like Bare, Atkin, Kephardt, etc.)are up to? Would you hire any of them?
I know a film producer that is looking for actors for their low budget adult farm animal videos. Any one of them seem like a good fit.
Judge Atkin is doing mediation. I plan to use him. He will be excellent.
I would like to add 4 other judges as grips to the film, Allf, Williams, Hardesty, and Leavitt. I have plenty of playdoh to make the farm.
10:37–what's wrong with Tim Williams?
10:37- if you want to get rid of Alf and Williams then you must not have dealt with some of the worst judges we have had. They may not be the best, but man, it gets much much worse. Be careful what you wish for.
Williams is alright. Allf, pu. No thanks.
In my tri-state experience Tim Williams is an excellent judge.
I agree. Allf is bad. Williams is cool.
I saw that Judge Scotti (now retired I guess he calls it) is working somewhere call The Firm.
Stuck where I am. Just billing and biding my time…
Just appeared in front of Judge Perry Dept P, she did a great job. Definitely an improvement in that department!
I've heard similar comments. I'm shocked. I guess I'll see for myself soon enough. If she's really doing great, that would be a nice change.
Yes she is known as a right wing Republican. While in private practice, she once questioned my intelligence because I was a Democrat.
My kind of gal! But for her hair….xoxo
@1:13 that's one of my big concerns with her. There are certain clients I do NOT want to take in front of her for that very reason. I've also seen some of her work in private practice and she was just out of line. I'll be interested to see for myself how she is on the bench.
What? There's one solitary R on the bench and you are scared?
If you think she's the only R on the bench…well, good for you.
I am applying to be a roadie for Keith Richards next tour.
That would've been fun like 50 years ago…
If anyone is looking, I heard that Roger Croteau is in the market for ANOTHER new associate to handle the dwindling HOA litigation after his most recent associate abruptly left. I think that might be the 6th or 7th attorney in one year at the same position.
Corteau does a lot more than HOA. He is one heck of a good lawyer with a very varied practice. Takes good care of his clients and has a loyal following. I would imagine it is hard to keep up with someone like that. And no I am not Croteau just a fellow lawyer that has matters with him.
Okay, Roger.
1:14–your rapier wit is exceeded only by your breath-taking originality.
Sorry, Roger.
Thanks for the laugh 1:04, I needed that.
True that 1:04 is absurd to express such an opinion. But it is probably not Croteau. Look at the first word of the post, wherein his name is badly misspelled in a manner that the actual Roger would presumably be unlikely to do.
In my experience, Roger is a very good attorney, and an even better jerk.
Arrogant with a capital "A".
I appeared in front of Erika Ballou on civil matters and it was not impressive. This is going to be a blood bath. Anyone else experience one of the new judges?
Appeared in front of Judge Eller. Did not have very high expectations going in, but she was surprisingly well prepared, controlled and made some tough calls (and overall handled the courtroom efficiently, quickly and with daft control). I am encouraged by what I saw. I have Judge Peterson next, stay tuned…
Same (one-time) experience with Eller.
"We celebrate the decisive victory of of DSA (Democratic Socialist of America) member, public defender, and District Judge-Elect Erika Ballou . . . . ."
Comment 1 to Canon 4, Rule 4.1 of Model Code of Judicial Conduct:
"Even when subject to public election, a judge plays a role different from that of a legislator or executive branch official. Rather than making decisions based upon the expressed views or preferences of the electorate, a judge makes decisions based upon the law and the facts of every case. Therefore, in furtherance of this interest, judges and judicial candidates must, to the greatest extent possible, be free and appear to be free from political influence and political pressure. This Canon imposes narrowly tailored restrictions upon the political and campaign activities of all judges and judicial candidates, taking into account the various methods of selecting judges."
Judge did not post the partisan congratulations and I am unaware of whether she was involved with any decision of LVDSA to post the congratulations. I handle commercial litigation and Judge B is on my auto-preempt list.
Thank for the link. That scares me. Allf is at least secretive. This one here is all out in the open.
I'm someone who landed somewhere else after a Covid related parting of ways. I'm not happy at the new firm. Just biding my time until something better comes along or I win the lotto. Just one of many times I regret falling for the idea that if I went to law school I would be able to do anything in life and have massive career flexibility. Lesson learned.
Anyone had luck getting the vaccine at Roseman Henderson? I have an appointment on Saturday.
Anyone else hope Trump runs in 2024? I don't even like the guy too much but I miss the insanity, chaos, and general weirdness he brought to the table.
I'd personally rather just go on living my life instead of looking for some sort of morbid entertainment from the White House.
I miss him.
If I wanted to be entertained by insanity, I'd watch Real Housewives. I'd prefer the government be run by responsible adults.
So it seems the State Bar, the Nevada Supreme Court, health authorities, and each vaccination site in Clark County are not on the same page about whether attorneys (or what subset of attorneys) are in fact eligible and supposed to be eligible for vaccine administration. Vague guidance in the Playbook doesn't help.
Carli Kierny is doing a good job. I had a hearing this week, and sat through a dozen or so matters. She allowed all parties to argue. Then she ruled from the bench. She had a prepared order she read from, meaning she actually read the briefs, considered the arguments, and ruled on the motions. I have a rather complicated case and debated recusing her because I didn't know what to expect. I'm glad I kept her. I think she will be a competent, hard working judge, even though like many here, I liked J Bare. And she was courteous to boot!
This is great to hear.