- Quickdraw McLaw
- It looks like the State Bar’s Find A Lawyer feature is working. Go test it out and let us know if it is up to date.
- Do we need a specialty court for problem gamblers? [RJ]
- With the July bar exam behind it’s time to talk vacation. Anyone have great new plans to share? Any tips on a nice weekend getaway? Do any of you own vacation homes–if so, how often do you make it?
I use Airbnb to rent homes/condos when traveling. A friend says Homeaway is good too.
same goes for VRBO. You take a little bit of a gamble, but if you do your research you can stay in a nice place for a fair price.
If you ever want to go to San Fran, there's an attorney in town, Todd Leventhal, who has a sweet rental right by Ghirardelli Square. Can't recommend it enough.
Thanks, Todd. I wish I'd known.
Find-A-Lawyer as of 8/3 at 1:37 pm
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It worked for me just now.
It's been on and off but was accurate
Like my wife
Hey, I resemble that remark!
blog is dead?
Your Mom is dead
Stubbs, anyone?
I saw a lawyer died. Mike, age 39. Any ideas?
Gee that helps. How did you hear? Last name? Source?
That was sort of the point of my question, thanks
Name is Michael Naethe. He was at O'Reilly Law Group. I don't know the details.
That is too bad. When I had dealings with him, he was always decent to me, even when he worked for Jacob Hafter (oops, did I just utter another "He Who Shall Not Be Named"?).
39 is young to go. What happened?
Mike was an incredibly decent lawyer and person. Very sad to hear of his passing.