It’s Always The Details

  • Law

  • Here’s why it is extra important that settlement terms/plea agreements are clearly spelled out in the record. [RJ]
  • The Nevada Supreme Court overturned a sexual assault conviction because Judge Doug Smith refused to swear in prospective jurors prior to jury selection. [RJ]
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July 24, 2015 2:53 pm

Do we really have judges that dumb in Nevada that do not swear in prospective jurors and think it is ok to do it at the end of questioning? Makes me want to go back to California for the blue chip hookers. Blog is not dead! I like Judge Doug Smith but how can he be still on the bench? It is amazed of all of the unions that endorsed him and he got re-elected anyways.

July 24, 2015 3:46 pm

I have heard of several fairly big reversals in the last few years and it seems the same names keep popping up. Not aimed at any judge in particular (anyone can make a bad ruling or have the gang of 7 or the gang of 9 see an issue differently) but is there a running list of criminal reversals for our DC bench?

Lawyer Bird
Lawyer Bird
July 25, 2015 1:32 am

When both counsel ask you to do something, f'in do it (with few exceptions)