- Quickdraw McLaw
Dearly beloved:
We gather here today to confirm what you already suspected–the blog is dead. Or is it? Let’s look at the facts in this, the 1000th post since its creation.
Born on June 8, 2011, with an open thread post inviting you to discuss Troy Fox and the BK Hottie, the little blog that could struggled to find its legs at the beginning. Even in that first post, commenters were discussing the death of another blog and already having to revive this new blog. Somehow though, it survived. We kept putting up posts and you kept reading. Growth was slow and there were times when it looked like the death of the blog was imminent, but alas, we’re still here.
Over the 1000 posts and 5 years of its existence, the most viewed post was this one from last October when we broke a national story about Senator Reid suing the manufacturer of his TheraBand. The second most viewed post? This one announcing the demise of Gordon Silver. Neither of those two incidents have anything to do with the most popular search term leading people to this blog (other than the words “las vegas law blog”): Nancy Quon.
Over the course of those 1000 posts, you’ve made approximately 18,029 comments. The number of daily page views runs anywhere from 2000-4000 views a day. That means if those 18 average commenters per day are the blog’s only supporters, they are each viewing the blog 166 times a day. Either way, those views are adding up and some time in the next week we’ll surpass 2,000,000 total page views. Google tells us with those kind of views we could turn on AdSense and make approximately $54.40 a month, but so far we have resisted the urge to try and retire on your page views.
For those of you who like pictures, here’s a graph of page views since 2011:
Is the blog dead? Possibly. We like to think of it like Shrödinger’s cat–it’s both dead and alive until you open the box and confirm. We want to thank all of you who make this blog possible–especially the staff writers and copy editors and bad lawyers, we couldn’t do this without you. And to you the readers, your comments, your tips, your suggestions, they make us feel so alive.
Now back to news you can use:
- Las Vegas Law–the docudrama starring the local DA’s office is getting a second season! [RJ]
- You have until September 9 to get you application in if you have 15 years experience and want to be considered to replace Justice Saitta on the Supreme Court. The application is here. [RJ]
- An administrative law judge delivers a big blow to TitleMax. [RJ]
- The Riviera is no more. [Las Vegas Sun]
Blog is not dead. Keep up the good work!
"Blog is Dead" running joke is now dead. Meet "Blog is lame".
yo momma!
Since you went there, you are hereby ordered to watch this video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tFNJLs-Ql0o
The blog IS dead, but since its the 2010s and we like zombies, the blog comes back to life like a zombie too
I always preferred "Double Kickstands in your face" to "Blog is Dead."
The blog is excellent at aggregating news items that I have missed. The blog is much toned down from Wild Wild Law but that blog was irresponsible. A lot of good information is posted everyday. Keep up the good work. I appreciate it and so does everyone else.
I disagree. Wild Wild Law was entertaining and edgy. I already read the news. What I'm looking for is juicy gossip.
I agree with 12:23 PM. Bring on the RJC gossip.
On our local NPR station this morning, the newsreader kept referring to Saitta as "Satia". It was very annoying.
Awesome. There was a supreme court oral argument a few years ago where the attorney kept referring to her as "Justice Sai-eat-ah." Really awkward.
LOL – I thought I was the only one who noticed and was bothered.
Blog needs to focus exclusively on "lawyer hot" threads.
Tracy Eglet
Tracy is hideous – has anyone seen her up close? All that work and still just a butterface…
I can't imagine what it's like to be a female attorney subjected to superficial judgments of my appearance by knuckle draggers like 1:04 PM.
Tracy has always been classy and friendly with me and the rest of our firm. I have been a casual acquaintance for over 15 years. Haters gotta hate. Grow up @1:04
This blog is not dead – thank you for keeping it going.
Thank you blog administrators and writers!
Not that this is a big deal, but does it seem to anyone else that the Supreme Court website spends an inordinate amount of time undergoing "system maintenance?" That banner seems to be at the top of their page at least 50% of the time if not more.
Have they delayed the application process for Saitta's position and for Scann's so they don't run afoul of the Lueck v. Teuton decision where any judge appointed before election day only serves until election day? They used to try to fill vacancies within 30 days.
would make sense otherwise they'd have to do it twice.
RIP Mark Torvinen 🙁
This blog is like kissing your sister…need to ratchet up big time!