- Quickdraw McLaw
- They’re still battling over Badlands. [RJ]
- The Department of Corrections received a $978,000 grant to help with recidivism. [RJ]
- The latest on the case of Susan Winters. [RJ]
- Here’s a list of all the Boyd alumni that won in the recent election–sorry, no Boyd ’13s. [Boyd]
"Dzurenda said the money will be used to implement a strategic statewide recidivism reduction plan, which includes enhanced case management for supervising released inmates with an emphasis on public safety, offender accountability and community programs."
$978k down the shithole. Theives gonna steal. Addicts gonna get high.
Have everyone who commits a crime do straight time. Cut probation to the bone and shift the money to bigger jails and prisons. These assholes don't learn. The best we can do is to keep them away from law-abiding citizens for as long as possible.
You're right and wrong. Nevada's Parole and Probation is useless. Mostly people who want to be cops who don't qualify (not all are bad of course, and they have top-down institutional problems. But you're absolutely wrong that nothing can help people change. Jobs would help, a place to live, inpatient drug and alcohol counseling, etc.
But I'd agree this money will be completely wasted on more of the same crap we already know doesn't work. So cut P&P to the bone, put that money into jobs and housing, and remove the felony stigma faster once you've done your time. record-sealing timelines could be cut in half and we'd still catch the people who are going to reoffend. That is, someone who is going to reoffend is going to do so within 6 months to 2 years, so the felony mark hanging around for 10 – 15 years doesn't do anything to help society.
President-elect Trump called. He wants to speak with you about a position in the new administration.
The stock in Corrections Corporation of America (private prisons) shot up after the election.
Trump supporters suck.
I got my Walmart made of card board guitar held together by Elmer's glue to play my anthem. I want a cabinet position under a white supremacist. I want my president elect to be a white supremacist. This is the chorus. Ah, Trump voters be proud!
Jest if you must. But don't complain the next time your car is stolen or your credit card account is hacked or your teenager is at a party where someone give her a line of some white powdery substance.
You got one, two, three chances to get it right. And you didn't. Give your bail bondsman a hug.
These are funny, thank you, I needed the laugh.
The most ridiculously wasteful spending set forth above. Straight time in the Federal system results in wasted time and monies, making no one happy but CCA, GEO and MTC. Honestly I thought we were moving towards handling criminal justice in a smarter, not rock headedly harder, manner.
I don't want to spend $25,000 or more to house someone in prison who stole a few candy bars (it's burglary in Nevada). Ridiculously long sentences are a huge waste of money and hurt the community far more than they help. We could learn a lot from Norway and other countries which truly focus on rehabilitation.
I was physically battered, I spent 3 days in the hospital, my insurance paid most of the hospital bills, but I still had to pay about $3,500 out of pocket because I had crummy insurance at the time. I missed about three weeks of work, I was a server so no paid leave. I had to put my rent and car payment on my credit card that month. With interest, it took me about 6 months to pay off those expenses on my card . I had to be on pain meds for more than 6 months, and needed mental health therapy for 9 months. It's been more than 7 years, and I'm still fearful of walking into dark parking lots.
The fucker that did it, pled guilty to a gross misdemeanor, received a 1 year suspended sentence, and only sat in jail for 4 days before being released. He was ordered to pay restitution, but I don't think I ever got a penny. He had no job and is a druggie. Awesome system we got, right?
So if we put him in jail, you still would not have gotten restitution, he still would have no job and would be rendered pretty much unemployable but his drug habit would be curtailed. A much worse system for you and the rest of society. A far more intensive program of forcing work and restitution as a condition of sentencing might help you and make sense. But more incarceration would do nothing.
Except that he actually would have been punished for attacking 4:28. Maybe it even would have deterred him from doing it again…
The suspended sentence comes with probation, which means he's being supervised to ensure he's not doing it again.
The car stolen is a Trump supporter stealing it, because he is runnin' late for the meetin'….
Do we have any Trump supporters in the house who are weather men?
Tarkanian filed a defamation lawsuit against Rosen today.
It is in front of Earley.
Filed by his partner…oh jeez.
Hey, he got $150k last time.
Danny. You lost an election. It's tough. I'm sure you're very sad. There will more elections. You have a very famous last name. You'll probably win another one or two. But, this is pathetic. Don't run for office if you have such thin skin.
I'm glad Tarkanian is doing this. The political consultants in this town think they can just make stuff up out of thin air about opposing candidates. These consultants/campaign managers are just pure, unredeemable slime. I get tired of the bullshit in my mailbox every October. They do not respect the truth, human dignity or our democratic institutions. They also have absolutely zero shame. The only way they will stop is if someone like Tarkanian stands up to them and it costs them money. Frankly, after Tarkanian rang the defamation bell for $150k last time, I was surprised to see some of the same campaign managers engage in dubious tactics in races this election. Eventually they will learn, but it will be an expensive lesson.
@4:40–Win another one or two? That would imply Tarkanian has ever won an election. His mom has won elections. His dad won a National Championship. Danny has never won anything. And thanks to Gus Flangas, Danny lost $17MM in a case.
Careful 9:53…you might get sued
Yes, good case. Hope it is front of Barney Rubble. Barney Rubble.
Boyd '13s are too busy lawyering to bother with legislating. Our time is too valuable. We pay others to carry and pass the legislation we want. We have landscapers, Porsche mechanics, and pool girls too.
1:59, spoken like a true Trump supporter douche.
President-elect Trump is begging Boyd '13s to join his administration.
He has a Porsche mechanic to work on his lawn mower.
Wow. Blog really is dead. Sad.
The pig farm in N. Las Vegas is closing and selling. The owner gets to keep a life estate in his house. Meanwhile, nearby N. Las Vegas residents should prepare themselves for the increase in property taxes.
Just checked. Any download, from the Advance Opinions to the case file, requires a captcha. Bastards. What the hell?