- Quickdraw McLaw
- More details on stadium proposal and, surprise, Adelson/Sands isn’t okay with profit sharing with the public. [Las Vegas Sun]
- Michael King Powell is the first person to apply for Justice Saitta’s spot on the Supreme Court bench. One of the commenters here says Judge Denton has applied as well? [Las Vegas Sun]
- More opposition to Las Vegas Law. [RJ]
- What else is going on out there?
Great choice
Get ready, Alice Denton will put her name in, too. We will have another Eric Johnson situation to avoid.
Or Marianne Denton. Yeah baby.
Judge Denton is intelligent, capable, ethical, reasonable and well respected. I hope he is selected. He can make a positive contribution to the team of justices.
Ditto on Judge Denton.
Denton over Cadish, definitely. I would take Susan Johnson over Cadish.
Lawyer Asshole thread anyone?
Don't let anyone try and tell you you're not persistent. By the way, blog is dead.
I nominate 9:33 am as lawyer asshole #1
You ever hear of the saying "you run into an asshole in the morning, you ran into an asshole; you run into assholes all day, you're the asshole."
Yeah, we've all watched Justified.
this is 9:33, i accept your nomination.
Brent Bryson is an a-hole.
Marissa Border is an asshole.
Your lynch mob is going to get to Border. I just cannot bear to watch that any longer.
Lynch mob? You must be Marissa, because she feel sorry for yourself. I feel sorry for our profession who think her actions and her lack of remorse are acceptable. Plus, your comment is so "insensitive," you are too dumb to realize.
replace you with she. add an s
Calling Marissa an asshole is actually being generous.
Feel free to speak your mind, but please keep it work-appropriate and slander-free.
Who is Marissa Border?
Quickdraw McLaw, are you saying we cannot say who we think are assholes? Or be careful in how we say certain people are assholes? Not sure what you mean by "work appropriate and slander free" as it is vague and ambiguous and definitely subject to interpretation! lol
I think they're just trying to avoid a situation like Kutner v. Google A-15-720137-C
Avoid Marissa Border on the roads. She is not a good driver.
If any lawyer goes to the lengths Kutner has when being called names, then they deserve to be called such name as those extreme actions prove it. PLus, ill gladly reveal myself if anyone ever has an issue with my name calling. I would never call anyone anything i wouldn't be willing to say to their face.
Most attys are a-holes. Very few aren't.
1:30– I have an issue with your name calling. Please reveal yourself.
Would people please identify themselves on the blog who are supporting team Johnson? I mean Eric Johnson. That helps me decide if I should vote for him.
Guess no Eric Johnson supporters.
Team Johnson is a rowdy bunch. Eric Johnson was investigated multiple times. Nobody mentions it.
That is a bawdy set, Team Johnson. I would like to see a wrestling match between Baby Denton and Baby Johnson, to see who will get the next EJDC opening.
This Baby Denton and Baby Johnson wrestling match is brought to you by the "bi-partisan support" of Glen Lerner.
The two other corporate sponsors of the "Baby" wrestling match is the Sansone Construct. Or is that Samsonite Luggage Company?????
Judge Susan Johnson and Judge Cadish have both applied. http://nvcourts.gov/AOC/Committees_and_Commissions/Judicial_Selection/Applicants/
1:54pm, this is 1:30p..I havn't called anyone names, so therefore there is no need for me to reveal myself..yet
Do we know who applied for Scann's seat? RIP.
Surprised Abby Silver is waiting this close to the deadline to put her Application in for the Supreme Court.
Abby Silver sucks.
Stiglich has applied. http://nvcourts.gov/AOC/Templates/documents.aspx?folderID=9108
Brent-o "sweatpants" Bryson supported Bare.