The Commission on Judicial Discipline wrapped up its hearing on Justices of the Peace Amy Chelini and Melanie Andress-Tobiasson. No word on when a decision will be issued or how they will determine whether the judges’ wardrobe and language choices were below the dignity of the office. [RJ]
Against the insidious wiles of foreign influence (I conjure you to believe me, fellow-citizens) the jealousy of a free people ought to be constantly awake, since history and experience prove that foreign influence is one of the most baneful foes of republican government.
"But the facts in this instance are unambiguous: The president of the United States attempted to use his political power to coerce a foreign leader to harass and discredit one of the president’s political opponents. That is not only a violation of the Constitution; more importantly, it is profoundly immoral.
The reason many are not shocked about this is that this president has dumbed down the idea of morality in his administration. He has hired and fired a number of people who are now convicted criminals. He himself has admitted to immoral actions in business and his relationship with women, about which he remains proud. His Twitter feed alone—with its habitual string of mischaracterizations, lies, and slanders—is a near perfect example of a human being who is morally lost and confused."
Agreed 10:45. What the hell do they know? It's not like he cheated on his third wife with a porn star, has a laundry list of assault accusations, and bragged about kissing women uninvited while grabbing them by the vulva. I don't know where they're getting this stuff about him being immoral.
If there ever were a group of people who care about what folks do in the privacy of their own home, it's Evangelicals.
December 20, 2019 6:16 pm
These complaints are bogus. Judicial commission going after women for their language and what they wear, blatant sexism. If these were male judges, they would not do shit.
Read the RJ article, not in there. I do agree with 10:16, the language and the clothing complaints are bullshit. The choosing clerks by a judge complaint is bullshit. Where are the threats and kicking down a door?
They are in the BPE article. Not necessarily at issue before the Commission, though it seems it maybe should have been. Also, clever move hiring Bill Terry so he can't testify?
I don't know Thomas Bradley, but what a pompous asshat. Remember when Larry Flynt offered money for dirt on Republican congressman during the Clinton impeachment? This guy thinks his farts smell like roses. What a loser.
I got about halfway through that BPE article and had to quit reading. Reminded me of that local fish wrap, the Las Vegas Examiner, or whatever it’s called.
Im up in St. George today for the Christmas break. On the radio this morning was a program explaining that the new Star Wars has a gay scene promoting their agenda in our culture. I then went to the Mall and saw a "Virginity Rocks" shirt. I love it here. I may never go back to Vegas. I'm sure many of you would appreciate that haha. but it's nice to know there are still good places on earth. Merry Christmas!
I didn't notice the two minor Resistance characters sharing a quick kiss during a celebration in the movie. But if I did, I probably would have thought to myself, "huh," and just gone on living my life.
I'm a registered GOP member, NRA life member, BSA Eagle Scout, voted for Trump, hetero (I think the term du jour is 'cisgendered?'), and from one of the physically largest states in central/southern US where guns and swords are openly carried. I'm also not @12:17p.
Gay people exist. They are not a figment of our imagination. Their marriages may not be as 'fruitful' as mine with two children bearing my and my wife's genes, but how many children have gay male couples and gay female couples adopted who would be in foster care but for their adoptions? I may recoil when I see two men kissing, compared to my usual opposite reaction seeing two good looking women kissing (being truthful – come on), but that doesn't mean I feel the need to stop them from doing it and enjoying their own life which isn't my damn business. How often do you hear a gay person talk about the 'hetero agenda' or 'cisgendered agenda'? Seriously. Enjoy your time in St. George but don't denigrate others who are also having a great time with their partner/spouse/whomever trying to do the same, including going to watch the newest Star Wars and enjoying seeing that there may be gay couples in galaxies far far away.
I've long felt that there is a strong argument that Saint George is a more degenerate town than Las Vegas. It's just that Las Vegas is a hell of a lot more honest about what it is. There are few places on this planet that are more plastic-y, keep-up-with-the-Jones' and fake than Saint George. Saint George is a nice place to stop and gas up while headed camping, but I would never, ever want to live there, nor would I want my kids to grow up there. And I say this as a 7th generation, active Mormon.
OK. The "Virginity Rocks" thing? Yeah its not a St. George thing. You were in a Zumiez store. "Virginity Rocks" is the product of a digital prankster dude and is meant to be tongue-in-cheek. He has an exclusive distribution deal with Zumiez.
December 20, 2019 10:09 pm
As usual, I am amused by the headings / titles on this blog. Super clever, always. Thanks for making me laugh today.
January 16, 2020 12:49 am
Two questions…1) Is it appropriate for a judge to reference from the bench (in a joking way) about an ongoing judicial investigations for ethics violations? 2) if not, do I have an ethical responsibility to report the conduct to the bar or the judicial body that is investigating?
Against the insidious wiles of foreign influence (I conjure you to believe me, fellow-citizens) the jealousy of a free people ought to be constantly awake, since history and experience prove that foreign influence is one of the most baneful foes of republican government.
"But the facts in this instance are unambiguous: The president of the United States attempted to use his political power to coerce a foreign leader to harass and discredit one of the president’s political opponents. That is not only a violation of the Constitution; more importantly, it is profoundly immoral.
The reason many are not shocked about this is that this president has dumbed down the idea of morality in his administration. He has hired and fired a number of people who are now convicted criminals. He himself has admitted to immoral actions in business and his relationship with women, about which he remains proud. His Twitter feed alone—with its habitual string of mischaracterizations, lies, and slanders—is a near perfect example of a human being who is morally lost and confused."
-Christianity Today
Epstein did not kill himself.
Thank GOD people don't read Christianity Today to get their religion facts.
Agreed 10:45. What the hell do they know? It's not like he cheated on his third wife with a porn star, has a laundry list of assault accusations, and bragged about kissing women uninvited while grabbing them by the vulva. I don't know where they're getting this stuff about him being immoral.
Thank GOD I don't care what folks do in the privacy of their own home. Seems like you should get out more 11:30.
If there ever were a group of people who care about what folks do in the privacy of their own home, it's Evangelicals.
These complaints are bogus. Judicial commission going after women for their language and what they wear, blatant sexism. If these were male judges, they would not do shit.
Did you skip over the threats made and the kicking down of a door?
Read the RJ article, not in there. I do agree with 10:16, the language and the clothing complaints are bullshit. The choosing clerks by a judge complaint is bullshit. Where are the threats and kicking down a door?
They are in the BPE article. Not necessarily at issue before the Commission, though it seems it maybe should have been. Also, clever move hiring Bill Terry so he can't testify?
I don't know Thomas Bradley, but what a pompous asshat. Remember when Larry Flynt offered money for dirt on Republican congressman during the Clinton impeachment? This guy thinks his farts smell like roses. What a loser.
I got about halfway through that BPE article and had to quit reading. Reminded me of that local fish wrap, the Las Vegas Examiner, or whatever it’s called.
*Las Vegas Tribune.
Im up in St. George today for the Christmas break. On the radio this morning was a program explaining that the new Star Wars has a gay scene promoting their agenda in our culture. I then went to the Mall and saw a "Virginity Rocks" shirt. I love it here. I may never go back to Vegas. I'm sure many of you would appreciate that haha. but it's nice to know there are still good places on earth. Merry Christmas!
I didn't notice the two minor Resistance characters sharing a quick kiss during a celebration in the movie. But if I did, I probably would have thought to myself, "huh," and just gone on living my life.
I'm a registered GOP member, NRA life member, BSA Eagle Scout, voted for Trump, hetero (I think the term du jour is 'cisgendered?'), and from one of the physically largest states in central/southern US where guns and swords are openly carried. I'm also not @12:17p.
Gay people exist. They are not a figment of our imagination. Their marriages may not be as 'fruitful' as mine with two children bearing my and my wife's genes, but how many children have gay male couples and gay female couples adopted who would be in foster care but for their adoptions? I may recoil when I see two men kissing, compared to my usual opposite reaction seeing two good looking women kissing (being truthful – come on), but that doesn't mean I feel the need to stop them from doing it and enjoying their own life which isn't my damn business. How often do you hear a gay person talk about the 'hetero agenda' or 'cisgendered agenda'? Seriously. Enjoy your time in St. George but don't denigrate others who are also having a great time with their partner/spouse/whomever trying to do the same, including going to watch the newest Star Wars and enjoying seeing that there may be gay couples in galaxies far far away.
Doesn't matter how you are registered to vote. People exist.
at 1:20
Oh, stop with PC stuff. Live and let live for everyone, but enough with the assumption of a moral position and droning on and on about it.
Disney really messed up the Star Wars movies in my opinion.
I've long felt that there is a strong argument that Saint George is a more degenerate town than Las Vegas. It's just that Las Vegas is a hell of a lot more honest about what it is. There are few places on this planet that are more plastic-y, keep-up-with-the-Jones' and fake than Saint George. Saint George is a nice place to stop and gas up while headed camping, but I would never, ever want to live there, nor would I want my kids to grow up there. And I say this as a 7th generation, active Mormon.
OK. The "Virginity Rocks" thing? Yeah its not a St. George thing. You were in a Zumiez store. "Virginity Rocks" is the product of a digital prankster dude and is meant to be tongue-in-cheek. He has an exclusive distribution deal with Zumiez.
As usual, I am amused by the headings / titles on this blog. Super clever, always. Thanks for making me laugh today.
Two questions…1) Is it appropriate for a judge to reference from the bench (in a joking way) about an ongoing judicial investigations for ethics violations? 2) if not, do I have an ethical responsibility to report the conduct to the bar or the judicial body that is investigating?