David Schubert Found Dead

  • Law

As reported by the RJ and the Las Vegas Sun, former district attorney David Schubert was found dead in his home this morning. 8NewsNow‘s I-Team is reporting that his death was possibly due to a drug overdose. He is survived by two children.

We know David was a friend and colleague to many of you. Regardless of what you might think about his actions, it is unfortunate that his life ended this way.

We hope that any of you who are struggling, with drugs, alcohol, depression or for any other reason, will reach out for help. Here’s the contact information for Lawyers Concerned for Lawyers:

Confidential help from a fellow lawyer is a phone call
Toll Free: 866-828-0022
Coe Swobe, LCL Coordinator
If you, or any lawyer
in Nevada, are in need of confidential assistance with an alcohol, drug,
depression, stress or gambling problem, help is readily available through the
LCL Hotline.When calling, leave your first name and telephone number. A fellow
lawyer, who has also had problems, will call you back. You’ll be listened to
with an understanding heart rather than scorn, judgment and condemnation. You
can talk frankly. The person returning your call is solving problems just like
yours, and is living happily and usefully doing

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July 17, 2013 10:47 pm

The RJ article was updated to say that neighbors saw his body being removed from his truck in the garage. Whether it was overdose or suicide, it is sad either way.

July 19, 2013 8:51 pm

Very sad. Only a sick degenerate would take pleasure in this.