Dance Of The Endangered Flowers

  • Law

  • Judge Mahan gives feds 30 days to decide whether wildflower is endangered. [Nevada Current]
  • Nine Nevada sheriffs sign onto letter blaming mass illegal immigration on Biden border policies. [TNI]
  • Timeshare mogul Stephen Cloobeck’s suit against ex-girlfriend cites lavish gifts, racy pics. [RJ]
  • Nevada’s COVID-19 task force reviewed the counties’ plans for reopening. [Fox5Vegas]
  • As mentioned in the comments the other day, RIP Mark Solomon. [Facebook]
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April 23, 2021 4:52 pm

I have a client who is concerned about the potential capital gains tax increases. Is there a really good tax lawyer in town I can refer him to? I only do litigation and I'm not familiar with that area of law.

April 23, 2021 5:21 pm
Reply to  Anonymous

Curt Anderson CPA is an excellent starting point. Also consider a pricey but worth it Oshins trust. I think Heidi Freeman is at the Oshins firm and may be a good starting point. Steve Oshins is the second generation.

Life is hard enough without the Feds knocking you over the head with ridiculous taxes that disincentives labor and capital accumulation, so best of luck helping your client.

April 23, 2021 5:33 pm
Reply to  Anonymous

Capital gains taxes make life "hard" but living in multi-generational poverty isn't a walk in the rose garden either.

April 23, 2021 6:41 pm
Reply to  Anonymous

If one considers the time value of money, a 20% capital gains tax is actually fairly high in some cases. In other words consider the ROI in relationship to the time that your money is tied up. Maybe the capital gains tax should somehow be indexed to how long you held the asset, as opposed to the one year short-term versus long-term that exists now. I'm quite obviously no economist. Maybe it should be tinkered with, but doubling seems excessive.

April 23, 2021 7:05 pm
Reply to  Anonymous

The best Tax Lawyer in Vegas is IMHO – Thomas Crowe – I have no association except as a former client. He is former IRS agent, etc. VERY expensive and worth every dime. One time, after me (a civ lit lawyer) fighting with the IRS for about a year, he picked up the phone in front of me and called the IRS, it went something like "Hey Bob this is Tom, here's what we got – blah blah – in about a month I got a letter and my issue was resolved. I had other services from him and they all went great. I also referred a family member to him and good there too. Once again, no connection, very, very expensive and very, very good. Just my opinion, of course, do your own research.

April 23, 2021 7:13 pm
Reply to  Anonymous

If you voted for Biden, you voted for capital gain tax increase as well as excessive corporate taxation. Enjoy.

April 23, 2021 7:19 pm
Reply to  Anonymous

If you voted for Biden, You voted for higher taxes. If you voted for Trump, you voted for an open racist and conman who is owned lock stock and barrel by Vladamir Putin. Great choice on this ballot. I view Biden's proposal as a wish list that will not garner 50 votes in the Senate but that may lead to a compromise of some kind, which is kinda how this whole thing is supposed to work – checks and balances and whatnot.

April 23, 2021 8:24 pm
Reply to  Anonymous

12:05–from what I have seen and heard over the years, you are spot on.

April 23, 2021 9:26 pm
Reply to  Anonymous

Tax policy is about incentives and disincentives. The ideal tax policy for growth and freedom would be very punitive and harsh at the lowest levels of income, and then gradually level off. Once you hit, say, $500k per year in income, your rate drops to zero. Once your wealth is at, say, $10 million you pay zero inheritance tax.

That would incentivize moving up, like the Jeffersons. Or, as my papa said: you want to double your income, son? Get a second job. He was right! I doubled my income! And paid for college, then graduate school, and then law school. Amazing! Now I pay multiples more in taxes than I ever made in income so slackers can get free gibmedats.

April 23, 2021 9:31 pm
Reply to  Anonymous

Hey, 12:19, Trump was the most pro-minority POTUS in recent memory. His poll numbers among POC is the highest ever for a R since the D's pulled all the POC's from the R's in the 60's. And the Putin thing was so thoroughly disproven I am embarrassed for you to still cling to the lie that Hillary openly bragged about fabricating out of thin air to cover up her DNC racketeering.

April 23, 2021 9:47 pm
Reply to  Anonymous

@12:05p – I second Thomas Crowe. However, unfortunately he passed away a month ago.

April 23, 2021 10:27 pm
Reply to  Anonymous

RIP. When I was younger, I would read the obituaries in the Sunday paper. Now that I am an old man, I feel like mine will be a decent one. Not tremendous or anything, just decent. Crowe seems like he lived a good life.

April 24, 2021 12:15 am
Reply to  Anonymous

@2:26 Spot on, but notice that the unified credit exemption (estate and gift tax, sometimes referred to as "inheritance tax") is currently at $11.6M. Liberals of decry such, but consider that the money inherited has already been taxed several times. As a corporate tax, as earned income and as capital gains on investments. IMO inheritance tax is grossly unfair. Particularly when Bernie and other uneducated want to reset the exemption back down to $1.5M. A move which would negatively impact everyone here.

April 24, 2021 12:40 am
Reply to  Anonymous

2:26 – I love the sarcasm. I mean it has to be right? You aren't suggesting that the minimum wage workers balance the budget. Estimated revenue in 2020 was under $4Trillion. US population was 328 million. Divided equally this means every man woman and child has to pay $12,000. US median household income is approx $63,000 (as of 2018). Explain the math on how that works. And don't you think there is allready an incentive to move up? Isn't income its own reward and incentive. I don't see you holding off earning more income because you are paying more in incremental tax.

April 24, 2021 12:43 am
Reply to  Anonymous

5:51 Hot Take, but the estate tax is GOOD. If we want to reward initiative, hard work and talent, the estate tax levels the playing field. The top ten percent of households by wealth receive 56 percent of all intergenerational transfers, while the bottom half receives only eight percent. (

April 24, 2021 12:52 am
Reply to  Anonymous

12:05 again. My Deepest apologies – I had no idea Attorney Crowe had Passed Away. That is so depressing.

April 23, 2021 6:45 pm

Stephen Cloobeck's suit is ridiculous. He is just upset that another woman dumped him. Does he still suck on his un-lit, slimy cigars?

April 23, 2021 7:24 pm

"Nine Nevada sheriffs sign onto letter blaming mass illegal immigration on Biden border policies."

I bet all nine(mostly rural) sheriffs are republicans.

Now, I'm not debating the point about Biden's polices, which may very well be greatly contributing to the problem(and I can think of some aspects where I readily agree with this position letter).

But the message has no impact if the messenger lacks credibility. And the messenger always lacks credibility whenever it is clearly nothing more than a polarized attack by representatives of either the democratic or republican party against the polices of the other.

That renders this matter to the overflowing dustbin of useless, totally polarized attacks, as opposed to sound policy statements.

Go back to the drawing board and find a few democratic sheriffs who wish to join in with the attack, and it will instantly be infused with a great deal more built-in credibility.

But whenever it's handled like this, the only people who will listen will be the already converted, so it is useless.

Too bad that nothing can any longer be right or wrong, or good or bad from a policy standpoint. It is always either democrat or republican, and whether it is truly good or bad no longer depends on an analysis of the factors involved, but only based on a knee jerk reaction depending on party affiliation.

I have never seen society even remotely as politically polarized as it is now.

Nothing depends on an analysis of facts. It's,instead, simple surface idiocy such as aggressive action taken by a specific police officer, in a specific incident, is justified if you ask a republican, but the same situation automatically constitutes excessive force if you are a democrat

Nuance, shades of gray, and an analysis of facts, have largely gone by the wayside. Labels are all that seem to matter anymore.

April 23, 2021 7:28 pm
Reply to  Anonymous

12:24, since you tend to agree with the letter, it should not really matter if all nine sheriffs are republican(and I don't recall from the article as to whether that was established, or even mentioned).

Point is that you, 12:24, have the ability to take your own advice and examine the content of the letter and decide whether it makes sound policy points. That would be a lot more productive undertaking than simply dismissing it because no democrats may have joined in(and, again, that may not even be the case. I don't know the party affiliation of these nine sheriffs)

April 23, 2021 7:37 pm

12:24, 12:28. the article is kind of lengthy, and not that enthralling or well-written, nor is the subject matter unique or new–typical attacking of immigration policy of whoever the president happens to be at the time.

So, my reading was actually more like a speed-reading or skim, but from what I saw it does not definitely state that all the sheriffs are republican.

But what the letter does make abundantly clear, as 12:24 suggests, is that it is a completely polarized undertaking–harshly identifying democrat immigration policies, while praising Trump and the republicans as to immigration) Thus,it may be a safe bet to say that most of the 274 who signed, including 9 from Nevada, are republicans.

It is also clear that our sheriffs from large population masses(Clark and Washoe) would not be bold enough or stupid enough(take your pick) to join in this, and in fact they did not. No suspense there.

April 23, 2021 7:39 pm

I basically agree with the immigration letter from the sheriffs, but I do recognize that matters such as this have little impact if no degree of bipartisan support is sought.

As it stands now it's just another polarized, political missive.

April 23, 2021 10:29 pm

Local attorney Jonathan VanBoskerck is trending today after writing a letter to the Disney company that essentially says, "Dear Disney, your token efforts to not demean some of your theme park guests are ruining my fun." Knowing Jonathan, the message is not a surprise, but boy is it cringeworthy.

April 23, 2021 11:16 pm
Reply to  Anonymous

His take is stupid. But reading through the Twitter responses reminds me how much I hate internet vigilante justice. Apparently every twitter user feels entitled to extract their tweet of justice flesh. This is America 2021. Dumbass says something that isn't self aware and is quite stupid. America reacts by destroying him. What a country.

April 24, 2021 8:57 pm
Reply to  Anonymous

Disney is dead to me and my family. Wokeness is a horrible disease.

Ben Nadig
Ben Nadig
April 24, 2021 9:10 pm
Reply to  Anonymous

Yeah, it’s terrible that Disney wants to get rid of racist tropes such as Song of the South, good for you VanBoskerck, great message to come out of the DA’s office…

April 25, 2021 3:10 pm
Reply to  Anonymous

VanBosterck wrote that he takes his family to Disney World and on a Disney cruise once a year. Gee, I guess the DA's office pays a lot better than when I was there.
Meanwhile, unless his family is exposed to a group of crying woman being bound together with ropes as they are auctioned off to pirates they just cannot enjoy the Magic Kingdom. I guess the lessons he is teaching his children differ from the lessons I am teaching mine.

April 26, 2021 12:49 am
Reply to  Anonymous

DA office pay hoho, how long has one worked there? Some SICK retirement pay for long timers. 6 figures all day.

April 24, 2021 12:33 pm

You know the thing about a shark is she's got lifeless eyes…

Sierra Halseth

April 25, 2021 1:27 am

RIP Solomon. Great attorney. Never knew the man on a personal level, but he seemed to be decent man. I hope he is in a better place. I bet his estate is impeccably managed.

April 25, 2021 6:15 pm

Mark Solomon-Does anyone know what claimed Attorney Mark Solomon. Only heard of his passing on the blog and then follow up. Tom Crowe came as a total shock. I knew Tom Crowe since I came to Nevada. I had just run into him recently. He was doing well and scoffed at the idea of retirement and closing down his practice. Missed his obit and services.

April 26, 2021 3:00 pm
Reply to  Anonymous

At the risk of being perceived as indelicate, did Solomon and Crowe recently receive the so-called vaccine?

April 27, 2021 12:49 am
Reply to  Anonymous

Go away weirdo

April 27, 2021 10:58 am
Reply to  Anonymous


You arent supposed to make the connection between 4500 deaths (prob. way more) and the vaccine.
Its totally random, you conspiracy nut.
Now shut up and take the jab for the deep state.

April 27, 2021 3:44 pm
Reply to  Anonymous

Yes…shhhhh. We wouldn't want to cite actual sources for our outrageous claims. Let's just pretend in this time of social media, blogs, and youtube that thousands of people would just keel over dead and the deep state would hide it from us and invest millions to develop vaccines that would do what? Stop a pandemic? What the actual fuck is wrong with you weirdos! (And yes…I left off the question mark because it's more of a declarative statement than an actual question.)

April 27, 2021 3:50 pm
Reply to  Anonymous

I am definitely more afraid of a thing that "prob. [killed] way more" than 4500 people (according to troll hearsay) than something that's now killed 572,000 people (according to Johns Hopkins University). Nobody deserves to be infected by coronavirus, but it would be just if people like 3:58 AM were infected first before others.

April 27, 2021 3:56 pm
Reply to  Anonymous

99.7% survival rate.
go ahead, take your vaccine, slave

April 27, 2021 4:12 pm
Reply to  Anonymous

As someone who knew both of those gentlemen, neither one of their deaths were linked, caused or connected to COVID or the vaccine.

April 27, 2021 4:59 pm
Reply to  Anonymous

8:56 AM,

That mere .03% you cite (assuming that number is even correct) represents just under 1,000,000 Americans, or about 1 in every 330 of us. Of course that doesn't count the people who have chronic symptoms (long haulers), people who are hospitalized (and incur medical bills, miss work, etc) or people who have permanent damage done to their organs.

Tell us more about how coronavirus is nothing.

April 27, 2021 5:31 pm
Reply to  Anonymous

I got covid last November. Lost my sense of smell and taste, it fucking sucks. It's starting to come back a little bit, but yeah, I much rather would have taken a vaccine to prevent it.

And as a bonus, I get upgraded to 5G!

April 26, 2021 5:52 am


April 27, 2021 5:43 pm

9:12 AM–As someone who knew both of these gentlemen–Tom Crowe and Mark Solomon. We know tht Tom Crowe died of a massive heart attack as reported in his obit. Was there any history of heart disease? So many attorneys have died from heart attacks at or near the age of retirement (middle to late 60s). I am thinking of Carmine Collucci who passed from a heart attack. There are many others. Don't know what claimed Mark Solomon or his age.

April 28, 2021 12:40 am
Reply to  Anonymous

I'm younger than either of them and unfortunately have been diagnosed with heart disease. It's being held at bay thanks to modern medication that wasn't around 20-30 years ago, but frequently heart disease has a genetic/familial component to it.

April 28, 2021 1:09 am
Reply to  Anonymous

Mark died of very aggressive cancer.