- Quickdraw McLaw
- The Oregon standoff involving the Bundy’s ended with several arrests, some shooting, and a death. [NPR; Las Vegas Sun]
- Wynn is using Pisanelli Bice to try and invalidate an exit fee for leaving NV Energy. [RJ]
- Speaking of Todd Bice, he went up against Alan Dershowitz before the Nevada Supreme Court yesterday. [RJ]
- Nevada could lose its status as an early caucus state after this election cycle. [RGJ]
Done with our current runner service – we pay $110 a month and they can't remember to check our folder at court. Anyone happy with their service enough to recommend?
First Legal does okay.
Who do you currently use? I use Runners on a Dime, and they do a good job. Very reasonable pricing.
Runners on a Dime. Used them at my last firm, and wish we used them here. Great service, and their prices are quite reasonable.
If those "militiamen" would have just listened to the cops, they wouldn't have gotten shot.
It's just the way they were raised. They weren't taught respect for the authorities. It's not their fault.
"They weren't taught respect for the authorities."
That's true. These paranoid, shit-kicking, religious fanatics do think they're above the law. It's too bad their delusion and antics were encouraged by assemblywoman Fiore and other wing nuts.
I’m usually reluctant to find racism. Buy I can’t imagine that Fox News and the Tea Party-ers would have found the Bundys’ armed sedition (in Nevada and then Oregon) charming if they were not white, good-ol-boys calling Obama Hitler.
I’m pissed that it took this long arrest them.
We use AMPM Legal Solutions and pay $75/month for twice per week runner service. The only issue we've had with them is not as dependable service with the family court. For RJC attorney folder and runner service they're great, and for the recorder's office and dropping off docs at the BK Court they're great.
Thank you for doing your mission. Glad the helmets were a big hit to help you protect your head so you could speak German.
I thought Todd Bice did much better than Alan Dershowitz, who showed no regard for NRAP for oral argument. Worse, the Supremes didn't benchslap him for it. Maybe they didn't feel the need, as they weren't giving much loving to his arguments.