- Quickdraw McLaw
- Cliven Bundy refused to enter a plea. [RJ]
- Judge Ron Israel will decide a case about how teachers get fired. [RJ]
- The State Bar is dealing with allegations of misconduct against Glen Lerner. [RJ]
- Is the DMV breaking the law by failing to register voters? [Las Vegas Sun]
Glen just loves digging his own hole…
If you're going to do that kind of crap, don't put it in an email. Jesus.
And I think he finds gold more often than not!
Whether you like him or not, I think most of us would trade our success for his.
Also historic and noteworthy was his "ambulance chasing" superbowl commercial a few years back.
9:53 I think you are slightly pushing it…I am pretty happy with my success and would not trade it for Glen's at all. I don't need to pay to have my face on tvs and billboards to know I am doing well…
9:53 sorry, you are way off base. I guess it all depends on how you define "success"
On an unrelated matter, does anyone have a link or instructions to request attorney session for las vegas muni? Know they are closed today, and it has been awhile since I have done one?
thank you
Try this – http://www.lasvegasjusticecourt.us/divisions/traffic_-_citation/attorney_sessions_-_scheduling.php
That's justice, not muni.
Send your runner to the front counter on the first floor with the case number and your bar number and request an attorney session. You'll get a court date with the city attorney.
Thank you, I appreciate.
Signup for an account with https://municourt.lasvegasnevada.gov/ by sending an email to " WebCourtAccount@LasVegasNevada.GOV " requesting an account. Once you're setup you can just login and request an attorney session moving forward.
I will, thank you for being nice.
That is Justice Court.