A hearing is taking place this morning on whether DETR should be found in contempt of court for failing to make payments. [8NewsNow]
Another Trump campaign challenge of election results will be heard in Carson City this afternoon. [Nevada Appeal]
According to court filings, Tony Hsieh, worth an estimated $840 million, died without a will. [RJ]
Michael Cristalli is representing qui tam plaintiffs in a suit against online travel companies that are alleged to have cheated Nevada out of more than $100 million in taxes. [Las Vegas Sun]
An investigator working for the Alpine Motel Apartments owner’s defense team was found in contempt for refusing to testify during a preliminary hearing. [RJ]
The Nevada Gaming Commission will appeal the recent ruling that it did not have jurisdiction over Steve Wynn. [Casino.org]
Clark County Commissioners opted to certify the elections results for District C giving Ross Miller a 10-vote victory. More legal challenges to follow? [TNI]
The governing board of the League of Women Voters voted to dissolve its Nevada chapter. [RJ]
Governor Sisolak laid out the plans for vaccine distribution yesterday. Are you getting the vaccine? Which tier do you think the legal community falls generally in terms of priority? [TNI]
I wonder if judges will be identified as public safety and be included in the Tier 1 group that will receive the early vaccinations. I would not include them in that group but will be interested to see if any opt to take part in the early vaccinations.
@ 5:00– the fact that you are speaking about women that way shows what little class you have. Would you ever refer to a male judge as an old bag? Why don't you sign your name to your post?
But those around the judge-elect now have Covid due to her failure to protect others by social distancing. Instead went to poll sites to persuade voters.
Although not tons newer, Department 6 is more than a judge-elect. I took the term "judge-elect" to mean one of these neophytes who are about to destroy the civil dockets.
Just another do as I say, not as I do judge to be. Not to mention family law is much different than civil. But ok, discriminate re super spreaders.
December 3, 2020 6:06 pm
FINAL: Tier 1 Critical Infrastructure Workforce by Priority Order
1. General Medical and Surgical Hospital 39,720
2. Long Term Care Facility Staff & Residents 36,751
3. Psychiatric and Substance Abuse Hospitals 1,446
4. Emergency Medical Services Personnel 5,560
5. Frontline Public Health Workforce & Volunteers 1,077
6. Laboratory Workers 2,050
7. Pharmacists and Pharmacy Technicians 7,143
8. Outpatient and Home Health Providers 67,302
9. Nevada Department of Corrections (NDOC) Staff 2,671
10. Law Enforcement and Public Safety 9,350
11. Deployed and mission critical personnel who play essential role in national
12. State and Local Emergency Operations Managers/Staff 100
Total 173,451
wow – i seriously did not know others used his stuff – I use it constantly to start research in new areas – I'm a big fan – I met him once on a case and he always helped me after that (i tried not to bug him) as i called maybe 2 or 3 times in about a year and a half – great guy – sorry typos, on cell
Jay here. Thanks for the kind words. @1:19 (and anyone else), if you find stale material or bad law, please let me know. I do my best to keep things up to date, but would love to hear from any of you with suggested improvements. Be safe and be good to each other!
Just want to jump in and say that I look a new issue up on his blog before doing anything else. Absolutely incredible resource. You all should use him as a mediator, too. He is great.
As if you could actually "social distance" in jail or prison. DUH. And the governmental expense of treating such an outbreak and the secondary infections would be astronomical. Of course, many (most) inmates will decline the vaccination.
Oh, dear. Let's let them all out. That will solve the problem. Aren't prisons just a sign of a dying racist patriarchal structure? We should have counseling centers instead. Abolish the police. Abolish prisons.
Riley Snyder tweeted the docket. Something jumped out at me: the Contestant's motion for a protective order regarding witness identities. Also, that it appears a lot of filings have been filed under seal. What kind of secret squirrel bullshit is this?
lol "evidence" – they conflate evidence with bullshit allegations based on nothing more than uncorroborated and unsubstantiated anecdotes from people who just want attention and are mentally disturbed (after all, being a trump supporter is conclusive evidence of cognitive dysfunction).
"Secret squirrel bullshit" – Good one. Filing pleadings etc under seal should be the rare, rare exception. You want to come to court and allege fraud in an election: Show your face, make your allegation, and show your proof.
Query: Which is worse: 1) Being a traitor; or 2) Making unsubstantiated allegations of election fraud just to raise money from a bunch of dummies?
I wonder if any of you have watched the witness testimony over the last week in the state legislative hearings? Verbal testimony from sworn affidavits. I also wonder if you're aware of the doxing involved with these brave witnesses. The harassment they have received. The death threats against these witnesses. Your smug comments seem clear – you have not see any of the testimony. You should take a look from the Georgia hearings today.
No question the Democrats are brazen fraudster traitors. I thought the fraud in PA was incredible, but this here is also incredible. No question this was a coordinated play between local political machines in third world shitholes like Detroit and Las Vegas, coordinated by the same national DNC that help Crooked Hillary steal the nomination from Bernie – the one guy who could have won against Trump.
4:07, you mean those "hearings" that are Trump campaign making a presentation at a local hotel or landscape business to any state legislators that will listen?
People will remember waking up after election night to news reports stating that the Democratic Party’s presidential candidate had somehow zoomed ahead during the dead of night when the vote counting was supposed to have stopped. Starting at around 4:30 am strange occurrences began in many vote tabulation centers. The anomalous developments threw the electoral process into a condition of chaos and disarray that continues yet. In Michigan and Wisconsin, for instance, huge bundles of votes miraculously showed up, all for Joe Biden.
What are the odds of flipping a coin 138, 339 times and having it come up tails 138,339 times in a row? A similar all-Biden “vote” dump took place around 6 am in Wisconsin. The resulting graph of the Biden vote in these and other states goes perpendicularly straight up to form so-called vote spikes. The legitimacy of these spikes especially in Georgia, Michigan and Wisconsin has become the subject of much scrutiny and skeptical interpretation.
The overall pattern of what transpired is beginning to be pieced together. It seems that the rigged computer voting machines were not sufficiently well rigged to negate the enormous surge of votes for Donald Trump that arose from normal voting on election day. When the voting system shut down it seems to have been to break the trajectory of a big win for Trump. When the process was mysterious set back in motion during the wee hours of the morning of Nov. 4, new techniques of cheating were introduced and deployed to “backfill” the Biden electoral deficit.
In some counties where big Trump leads were cancelled out in the days after the election, the stats showed numbers of votes exceeding the numbers of voters by as much as 350%. Another anomaly showed up in voter counts where candidates lost votes over time at the same rate as Biden gained votes.
4:07 – uhm, maybe you only get your news from CNN and don't bother understanding state legislative law – but the hearings are hearings because the states are not in session. They are deciding if they need to call special sessions – so to suggest they are some sort of dog and pony show is incorrect – either willful ignorance or just ignorance on your part and many – but it doesn't matter. These states will, and are beginning, to take legislative action. It appears Pennyslvania may be the first and Georgia seems to be considering similar action. Once these states take control – their constitutional control – and they appoint their own electors- there will be a collective gasp across America from people like yourselves who refuse to recognize facts. The evidence out of Georgia today is smoking gun fraud – do your own research. I can't educate the masses.
Yeah, that's it. Put your name up here, so I know to call yours with a case.
December 4, 2020 4:17 am
Well funded, partner in an out of state firm. I was going to spread the wealth by paying some campaign debt wealth around by making some donations to candidates, but Dave Thomas'wife screwed over a friend of mine, so I will hold onto my money, Dave.
I wonder if judges will be identified as public safety and be included in the Tier 1 group that will receive the early vaccinations. I would not include them in that group but will be interested to see if any opt to take part in the early vaccinations.
I'm certain at least 2, if not more, of the new judges will never take it.
Name names.
If the recent election is any indication, only female judges will get it.
Good, I hope a few of them get it. Especially two of the judges older female old bags down at the RJC.
@ 5:00– the fact that you are speaking about women that way shows what little class you have. Would you ever refer to a male judge as an old bag? Why don't you sign your name to your post?
One of the Judge-Elects just had it and had to cancel her meeting with Bell but is fine now.
But those around the judge-elect now have Covid due to her failure to protect others by social distancing. Instead went to poll sites to persuade voters.
Department 6.
Although not tons newer, Department 6 is more than a judge-elect. I took the term "judge-elect" to mean one of these neophytes who are about to destroy the civil dockets.
Just another do as I say, not as I do judge to be. Not to mention family law is much different than civil. But ok, discriminate re super spreaders.
FINAL: Tier 1 Critical Infrastructure Workforce by Priority Order
1. General Medical and Surgical Hospital 39,720
2. Long Term Care Facility Staff & Residents 36,751
3. Psychiatric and Substance Abuse Hospitals 1,446
4. Emergency Medical Services Personnel 5,560
5. Frontline Public Health Workforce & Volunteers 1,077
6. Laboratory Workers 2,050
7. Pharmacists and Pharmacy Technicians 7,143
8. Outpatient and Home Health Providers 67,302
9. Nevada Department of Corrections (NDOC) Staff 2,671
10. Law Enforcement and Public Safety 9,350
11. Deployed and mission critical personnel who play essential role in national
12. State and Local Emergency Operations Managers/Staff 100
Total 173,451
ALL politicians should be at the bottom with the last three being "sin talento culo-payaso gobernador" Sisolak, his spouse and his spawn.
I think Sissy and fam should be the first ones. It will be great to see the side effects captured.
10:57 is trying to write No Talent Ass Clown Governor.
Newsome is locking down California which means that our NTACG will be doing the same. Business for Chapter 13/7 lawyers will be booming.
OMG — you are all despicable. What the hell is WRONG with you?
@6:52pm. Nothing's wrong with them. As a general rule, most lawyers are inherently despicable SOBs…
Ah yes, typical "hate the lawyers" nonsense. Until you need one. Especially a good one.
I am just glad Jay Young's blog is back up and running. I had to do my own research for two days. 2!!!
Honestly IMO he deserves an award for his blog
I agree. Even some of the dated entries/authorities on it are great starting points. Using the blog is, dare I say, a Baja Blast.
wow – i seriously did not know others used his stuff – I use it constantly to start research in new areas – I'm a big fan – I met him once on a case and he always helped me after that (i tried not to bug him) as i called maybe 2 or 3 times in about a year and a half – great guy – sorry typos, on cell
I too am a huge fan of Jay Young!!!!
Jay here. Thanks for the kind words. @1:19 (and anyone else), if you find stale material or bad law, please let me know. I do my best to keep things up to date, but would love to hear from any of you with suggested improvements. Be safe and be good to each other!
You provide a great service to the legal community. We are so fortunate to have you!
Just want to jump in and say that I look a new issue up on his blog before doing anything else. Absolutely incredible resource. You all should use him as a mediator, too. He is great.
Fees being charged by mediators are out of control. I would do it for half the fee and still think I was robbing people.
Another set of kisses blowing towards Mr. Young. Thanks, Jay – you are a great role model for the rest of us!
Why are prison inmates tier 2? They should be tier last IMHO.
So that the AG doesn't have to recruit another poor soul to AG inmate 1983 litigation.
Because prison sentences are not death sentences? Because you can't effectively mitigate COVID when it starts spreading in a prison?
As if you could actually "social distance" in jail or prison. DUH. And the governmental expense of treating such an outbreak and the secondary infections would be astronomical. Of course, many (most) inmates will decline the vaccination.
COVID is already tearing through the prisons. It is ugly.
Oh, dear. Let's let them all out. That will solve the problem. Aren't prisons just a sign of a dying racist patriarchal structure? We should have counseling centers instead. Abolish the police. Abolish prisons.
@ 5:17 PM: no one in this conversation (except for you) brought up letting the incarcerated out of jail/prison. You're exhausting.
Set them free!
Is there any way to listen in to the Trump campaign hearing in Carson? I'm dying to hear this evidence.
Riley Snyder tweeted the docket. Something jumped out at me: the Contestant's motion for a protective order regarding witness identities. Also, that it appears a lot of filings have been filed under seal. What kind of secret squirrel bullshit is this?
Livestream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YdPT2saxs18&feature=youtu.be
Also, RS is live-tweeting.
lol "evidence" – they conflate evidence with bullshit allegations based on nothing more than uncorroborated and unsubstantiated anecdotes from people who just want attention and are mentally disturbed (after all, being a trump supporter is conclusive evidence of cognitive dysfunction).
"Secret squirrel bullshit" – Good one. Filing pleadings etc under seal should be the rare, rare exception. You want to come to court and allege fraud in an election: Show your face, make your allegation, and show your proof.
Query: Which is worse: 1) Being a traitor; or 2) Making unsubstantiated allegations of election fraud just to raise money from a bunch of dummies?
I wonder if any of you have watched the witness testimony over the last week in the state legislative hearings? Verbal testimony from sworn affidavits. I also wonder if you're aware of the doxing involved with these brave witnesses. The harassment they have received. The death threats against these witnesses. Your smug comments seem clear – you have not see any of the testimony. You should take a look from the Georgia hearings today.
No question the Democrats are brazen fraudster traitors. I thought the fraud in PA was incredible, but this here is also incredible. No question this was a coordinated play between local political machines in third world shitholes like Detroit and Las Vegas, coordinated by the same national DNC that help Crooked Hillary steal the nomination from Bernie – the one guy who could have won against Trump.
4:07, you mean those "hearings" that are Trump campaign making a presentation at a local hotel or landscape business to any state legislators that will listen?
People will remember waking up after election night to news reports stating that the Democratic Party’s presidential candidate had somehow zoomed ahead during the dead of night when the vote counting was supposed to have stopped. Starting at around 4:30 am strange occurrences began in many vote tabulation centers. The anomalous developments threw the electoral process into a condition of chaos and disarray that continues yet. In Michigan and Wisconsin, for instance, huge bundles of votes miraculously showed up, all for Joe Biden.
What are the odds of flipping a coin 138, 339 times and having it come up tails 138,339 times in a row? A similar all-Biden “vote” dump took place around 6 am in Wisconsin. The resulting graph of the Biden vote in these and other states goes perpendicularly straight up to form so-called vote spikes. The legitimacy of these spikes especially in Georgia, Michigan and Wisconsin has become the subject of much scrutiny and skeptical interpretation.
The overall pattern of what transpired is beginning to be pieced together. It seems that the rigged computer voting machines were not sufficiently well rigged to negate the enormous surge of votes for Donald Trump that arose from normal voting on election day. When the voting system shut down it seems to have been to break the trajectory of a big win for Trump. When the process was mysterious set back in motion during the wee hours of the morning of Nov. 4, new techniques of cheating were introduced and deployed to “backfill” the Biden electoral deficit.
In some counties where big Trump leads were cancelled out in the days after the election, the stats showed numbers of votes exceeding the numbers of voters by as much as 350%. Another anomaly showed up in voter counts where candidates lost votes over time at the same rate as Biden gained votes.
4:07 – uhm, maybe you only get your news from CNN and don't bother understanding state legislative law – but the hearings are hearings because the states are not in session. They are deciding if they need to call special sessions – so to suggest they are some sort of dog and pony show is incorrect – either willful ignorance or just ignorance on your part and many – but it doesn't matter. These states will, and are beginning, to take legislative action. It appears Pennyslvania may be the first and Georgia seems to be considering similar action. Once these states take control – their constitutional control – and they appoint their own electors- there will be a collective gasp across America from people like yourselves who refuse to recognize facts. The evidence out of Georgia today is smoking gun fraud – do your own research. I can't educate the masses.
I read as much news as I could on this today, unfortunately no article provided massive (or any) "smoking gun fraud" evidence.
Just called 4 different law firms and all of them closed. Wow.
Was it because you called at 7 p.m.?
Yeah, that's it. Put your name up here, so I know to call yours with a case.
Well funded, partner in an out of state firm. I was going to spread the wealth by paying some campaign debt wealth around by making some donations to candidates, but Dave Thomas'wife screwed over a friend of mine, so I will hold onto my money, Dave.
Dave Thomas barely won any races, so I'm not sure who you're directing this towards.