- Quickdraw McLaw
2015 Annual Airing of Grievances
- Law
- Posted on 9 years ago
Presidents Day Weekend 2025
This is the dangerous idea that threatens America. When we…
Not Like Us
At this point I think he's appeared more on TV…
Dry Streak Ends
I would break into Tiffany's at midnight. Do I go…
Job Tips: Using AI
I am the person who posted the AI summary yesterday.…
Job Tips: Using AI
https://newrepublic.com/post/191313/donald-trump-ally-supreme-court-overturn-press-protection Steve Wynn is a massive piece of shit.
In the spirit of the holiday, I want to complain about the various judicial committees, which all come out with a recommendation that the County or the State needs to come up with more money for one of the Court's pet projects. That money comes out of other projects, for kids, or the homeless, or God forbid, a safe park in my neighborhood.
Justice Hardesty. I like you, but it doesn't look good when you pitch an appeals court on existing budget and then change things like making the extra supreme court judges permanent or building a gaudy new building in downtown Las Vegas.
I agree. This is the ultimate bate and switch. NO COST NO COST NO COST is all I heard when pitching the Court of Appeals and now all I hear is needing more money, building new buildings, etc. Get your facts straight and quit lying to people. He probably had Dave Thomas as his campaign manager.
No they had Ben Graham as the court lobbyist. He was an effective lobbyist for the D.A. for many years. I have to admit they pulled it off and pulled the wool over everybody's eyes. I never thought it would pass. They created a voter/legislative stampede.
Amen, 9:30 and 9:53.
Yes and they will be vacating the RJC, which leaves 15K+ square feet of open space; evidently NOT for District Court but for the rest of the County entities that have friends in high places. What's up with that?
The misguided, short-sighted, illogical liberal political leanings of most of the attorneys in this town. What is it about the legal profession leads to an inability to think cogently about social, international, and fiscal issues?
Ah yes, the I'm right you're wrong approach. Nice work
Scorched earth lawyering. We should be able to represent a position without being an unmitigated asshole to opposing counsel.
Who does that? That never happens.
Hell yes! I had a matter recently where the other side went scorched earth, and no professional courtesy, right out of the gate. I felt like an idiot because I tried to be friendly, only to be rebuffed.
Fuck 'em. They are idiots. They are being assholes, or filing frivolous motions, because they are losing. When you are desperate, you will try anything.
I know what you mean – I always feel stupid being nice and then finding out the hard way that they view that as a weakness. Then Judges give them a pass on the rules somehow (especially EDCR 2.34).
That is the judge's fault, too. This profession is filled with absolute trash. It is not you, believe me. Just hang in there, what goes around comes around.
My penis is still small.
Best grievance ever.
Bar dues are too high for what I get in return. I am a member of another state's bar and the quality of the monthly magazine is light years beyond Nevada Lawyer, and bar dues are about half as much as they are here. The annual conference is frequently held in places I cannot afford to attend. Seems like much of my bar dues are being used to fund these country club getaways disguised as bar conferences. Time to reign in the dues.
It's a jobs program for non-hackers
Agreed. I spent several thousand dollars this year defending myself, successfully, on a minor disciplinary issue that was completely bogus. If you want to get pissed about how your dues money is being spent, try going through that process sometime. Or better yet, just take my work for it. I wouldn't wish that Kafkaesque experience on anyone. And how much of my mo ry was spent on those nice new digs by the way?
Black lives matter! Ask Bernie Sanders……
You know what really grinds my gears…people who still use fax machines for day to day communications. Especially when it gets sent by email as well.
I agree. What is worse is when people INSIST on sending you something by fax instead of by e-mail. Fax machines need to be retired.
1) FAXers,
2) People who wear blue with earth tones.
3) Restaurants who don't care enough to learn how to serve a decent cup of tea, and yes that includes even some of the five diamond hotels in this town.
4) A society with so many mala en se criminal statutes that we have a rampant out of control crime ecology that is rascist, classist and fascist.
Its all about the malum prohibitum.
Judges who think they are smarter than what they are.
Soooo, judges?
Family Court judges acting as though they have never heard of rules of evidence or procedure
I do like Art Ritchie and Rebecca Burton.
But, but …. the merits!
I only practice family and believe Ritchie really does try to get it right – jury out on Burton so far but seems a little intellectually lazy so far imo
Noone every challenges them anyway. Why not be a law unto themselves? They get like 1 out of 1000 cases appealed.
I have no problem appealing. Judges are not appealed enough!
Comparing the ratios is especially alarming though. Family judges get appealed a tiny comparative fraction to the other judges.
Judges who were barely passable attorneys acting so goddamned condescending on the bench. Don't ask me for money is you corrected me, were wrong, and acted indignant when I proved it. Saragosa I'm looking at you. If you weren't fucking good looking you would be out on your ass.
I notice that a lot with some of the female judges lately. Grumpy and nasty as all get out, because you are making them do their job.
Coach Dave Rice. You suck. You can't manage your roster, don't know how to manage minutes, and your team lacks discipline because you're an introverted nice guy. Hopefully Santa will bring you some balls for Christmas.
….or at least a new religion.
What part of "UNLV 103 South Dakota 68" did you not grasp from last night's game? Your comment was better suited for before last night. We looked spectacular.
His wife will give you tongue lashing if you criticize.
South Dakota?! Who cares?
My grievance is assholes who criticize a coach's religion.
Unethical attorneys.
Attorneys who can't tell the difference between a 3 and a 10.
Anyone who dares criticize Bob Eglet.
And the "my penis is still small" guy.
Anybody who defends Eglet. You are worse than he is.
Eglet may have built a massive litigation practice and admittedly, he has developed successful methods for jury selection and trial practice (most of which he cannot take full credit for). Having said that, if you are annoyed by "anyone who dares criticizes Bob Eglet," it is obvious that you have never worked for him or witnessed the way he treats human beings (including his own children). Also, for future reference, he hates being called Bob and would likely throw a stapler at you for calling him Bob Eglet instead of Emperor Robert.
Please, Eglet is a worm.
Okay, Bob it is then.